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,r � <br /> f. Annual Reoort on Advertisin�and Concession Revenues. The Grant Recipient <br /> agrees to submit an annual report to FTA on advertising and concession revenues and sales. The <br /> Grant Recipient may satisfy this requirement by submitting the necessary data in its quarterly <br /> financial reports. <br /> g. Transit Securitv. Each fiscal year, the Grant Recipient agrees to spend for <br /> transit security projects at least one percent of its funds derived from section 9 of the Federal <br /> Transit Act, as amended, 49 U.S.C. § 1607a, unless the Grant Recipient has certified to FTA that <br /> such expenditures are not necessary. <br /> h. Use of FTA Funds for Operatine Assistance Projects. Provided that the <br /> applicable operating assistance limitation is not exceeded, section 9 assistance provided under this <br /> Grant Agreement for operating assistance may be applied to the Net Project Cost of the Grant <br /> Recipient's operating expenses incuned during the project time period specified in the Approved <br /> Project Budget. <br /> Section 8. Proiect Mana�ement Plan for Major Capital Projects. For each major capital <br /> project, the Grant Recipient agrees to implement a project management plan, as approved by the <br /> Government, in accordance with the requirements of section 23 of the Federal Transit Act, as <br /> amended, 49 U.S.C. app. § 1619, and applicable implementing regulations that may be issued <br /> thereunder. <br /> Section 9. T'he Grant Agreement. a. This Grant Agreement consists of two parts: this <br /> Part I of II, "Notification of Grant Approval and General Provisions," Form FTA 3&9(C), <br /> December 1993; and Part II of II, "Federal Transit Administration Agreement, Terms and <br /> Conditions," Form FTA II(C), December 1993. The latest Approved Project Budget is <br /> incorporated herein by reference and made part of this Grant Agreement. Should the Federal <br /> assistance award letter include special conditions for the Project or the projects in this Program, <br /> that letter is incorporated herein by reference and made part of this Crrant Agreement. <br /> b. An amendment to any of these documents shall require a formal amendment to <br /> this Grant Agreement, except that a re-allocation of funds among budget items or fiscal years <br /> without increasing the total amount of the Federal financial assistance awarded may be made in <br /> accordance with all applicable FTA circulars and regulations. Any amendment granting additional <br /> �financial assistance shatl require the issuance of a new Approved Project Budget. <br /> Section 10. Execution of the Grant ��reement. This Grant Agreement may be <br /> simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original <br /> ' Page -i <br />