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i � � <br /> O <br /> GEO.S.OLIVE � CO. <br /> CERTiFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS <br /> CENTRAL ILLINOIS PRACTICE <br /> TRADE CENTRE SOUTH 240 NORTH CHURCH STREET <br /> '100 TRADE CENTRE DRIVE, SUITE 403 P.O. BOX 2534 <br /> CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820 DECATUR, IL 62525-2534 <br /> (217) 355-0866 (2'17)429-24'I 1 <br /> FAX: (2'17J 355-9B49 FAX: (217)429-6'i09 <br /> March 18, 1994 <br /> Mr. James C. Bacon, Jr. <br /> City Manager <br /> The City of Decatur <br /> One Gary K. Anderson Plaza <br /> Decatur, Illinois 62523 <br /> This letter explains our understanding of the arrangements for the professionat services that <br /> we are to perform for The City of Decatur as of April 30, 1994, and for the year then ended. <br /> AUDIT SERVICES <br /> We will audit the general purpose financial statements of The City of Decatur as of and for <br /> the year ended April 30, 1994. <br /> Our audit will be a Single Audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing <br /> standards; the standards for financial audits contained in Go►�emnient Auditing Standards, <br /> issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Single Audit Act of 1984; and the <br /> provisions of OMB Circular A-128,Audits nf State and Local Governnients, and will include <br /> tests of your accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to <br /> express an unqualified opinion that your financial statements are fairly presented, in all <br /> material res�ects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and to report on <br /> the Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance and The City of Decatur's compliance with laws <br /> and regulations and internal controls as required for a Single Audit. If our opinion is other <br /> than unqualificd, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. If for any reason we <br /> are unable to complete the audit, we will not issue a report as a result of this engagement. <br /> Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions <br /> recorded in the accounts, tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation <br /> of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected funding <br /> sources, creditors, and banks. We will request written representations from your attorneys as <br /> part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclu- <br /> sion of our audit, we will also request ccrtain written representations from you about the <br /> financial statements and related matters. <br /> PRACTICE OFFICES LOCATED IN INDIANA AND ILLINOIS <br /> MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN GROUP OF CPA FIRMS WffH OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL U.S.CITIES <br /> MEMBER OF MOORES ROWLAND INTERNATIONAL <br />