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,� <br /> ' Intergoveinmental Cooperation Agreement <br /> Spring Creek Southeast Tnuik Sewer <br /> ' <br />' 6) ESTIMATED PROJECT COST <br /> ' The following itemized list of Project Costs is included as a guide parameter: <br /> , a) Facility Plan Revision $ 9,500.00 <br /> b) Spring Creek Southeast Trunk Sewer Phase I $504,800.W <br /> Cost with contingency <br /> ' <br /> c) Design of Spring Creek Southeast Trunk Sewer $ 48,800.00 <br /> Phase I Project <br /> ' d} Construction supervision of the Spring Creek $ 52,500.00 � <br /> Trunlc Sewer Phase I Project <br /> ' e) Legal $ 3,000.40 <br /> ' � Right-of-Way&Right-of-Way Agent $ 20,500.00 <br /> Estimated Project Cost $639,100.00 <br /> ' 7} FUNDING AND REPAYMENT <br /> This project will be funded by a loan from the State of Illinois Water Pollution <br /> , Control Revolving Fund(WPCRF�to the DISTRICT. <br /> , The loan will be repaid by the DISTRICI'in accordance with the State Loan <br /> Reqwrements. <br /> ' The loan will be for a term of twenty(20)years at 3.015%simple interest on the unpaid <br /> principal balance. Principal and interest will be payable in semi-annual installments beginning <br /> ' three(3)months after the DISTRICT has accepted the construction project as complete. The <br /> C1TY agrees to pay to the DISTRICT the above mentioned loan repayment sum within fifteen(15) <br /> ' days after invoice until all sums are paid in full. <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> ' <br /> ' 4 <br />