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RESOLUTION NO. R -/ � - ��.(p <br /> RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF REDUCING UNFUNDED MANDATES <br /> WHEREAS, unfunded mandates on state and local governments <br /> have increased significantly in recent years; and, <br /> WHEREAS, federal mandates require cities and towns to <br /> perform duties without consideration of local circumstances, <br /> costs or capacity, and subject municipalities to civil or <br /> criminal penalties for noncompliance; and, <br /> WHEREAS, federal mandates require compliance regardless of <br /> other pressing local needs and priorities affecting the health, <br /> welfare, and safety of municipal citizens; and, <br /> WHEREAS, excessive federal burdens on local governments <br /> force some combination of higher local taxes and fees and/or <br /> reduced local services on citizens and local taxpayers; and, <br /> WHEREAS, federal mandates are too often inflexible, one-size <br /> fits-all requirements that impose unrealistic time frames and <br /> specify procedures or facilities where less costly alternatives <br /> might be just as effective; and, <br /> WHEREAS, existing mandates impose harsh pressures on local i <br /> budgets and the federal government has imposed a freeze upon ��, <br /> funding to help compensate for any new mandates; and, ', <br /> WHEREAS, the cumulative impact of these legislative and � <br /> regulatory actions directly affect the citizens of our cities and <br /> towns; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the National League of Cities, in conjunction with <br /> other state and local government representatives, has begun a <br /> national public education campaign to help citizens understand <br /> and then reduce the burden and inflexibility of unfunded <br /> mandates, beginning with a National Unfunded Mandates Day on <br /> October 27 , 1993 . <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS: <br /> Section 1. The City of Decatur endorses the efforts of the <br /> National League of Cities and supports working with NLC to fully <br /> inform our citizens about the impact of federal mandates on our <br /> government and the pocketbooks of our citizens. <br />