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• � • ~- • � ��� <br /> The compensation due the ENGINEER for furnishing Detailed <br /> Resident Inspection Services required under the provisions of <br /> this Paragraph shall be computed at technical payroll cost of <br /> each representative assigned to the work times a multiplier of <br /> 1. 92 plus direct out-of-pocket expense at cost and <br /> transportation furnished the Resident Inspector(s) at the rate <br /> of two hundred dollars ( $200 . 00 ) per month or Fifteen Dollars <br /> ( $15 . 00 ) per day for any fraction of a calendar month. <br /> Compensation for the services rendered under the provisions of <br /> this Section shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER from <br /> time to time during the progress of construction of said <br /> improvements. <br /> 6. Property, boundary or right-of-way acquisition surveys and/or <br /> descriptions and services pertinent to easement acquisition <br /> and court testimony shall be considered special services. <br /> The compensation due the ENGINEER for special services <br /> rendered under the provisions of this Paragraph shall be <br /> "Technical Payroll Cost" times a multiplier of 2 . 0 for general <br /> overhead and profit plus "direct expenses" at net cost. <br /> "Technical Payroll cost" is defined as the cost of salaries <br /> plus fringe costs including: social security contributions, <br /> unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, workmen's <br /> compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick <br /> leave, vacation anci holiday pay applicable thereto. <br /> The term "direct expenses" shall include transportation <br /> and subsistence incurred by the ENGINEER or his assistants <br /> traveling in discharge of duties connected with the work, and <br />, shall include the net cost of incidental expenses such as <br /> telegrams, telephone toll charges, extra productions of prints <br /> or photos of drawings, specifications and other documents <br /> required for the proper execution of the service to be <br /> rendered. <br /> Compensation earned under the provisions of this <br /> Paragraph shall be paid monthly upon submission by the <br /> ENGINEER of invoices det�iling the cost and expenses incurred. <br /> IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED, <br /> l. Disputes - That any differences between the ENGINEER and the <br /> City concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this <br /> AGREEMENT shall be referred to a committee of disinterested <br /> parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER, <br /> one member appointed by the CITY, and a third member appointed <br /> by the two above noted members, for disposition and that the <br /> committee's decision shall be final . <br />