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F.A.P. Route 710 & F.A.U. Route 7429 <br /> State Section 48(K,X-2)RS & 130RS-1 <br /> City Section 92-00000-02-GM <br /> City of Decatur <br /> Macon County <br /> J-593023 <br /> 3. F.A.U. Route 7429, Illinois Route 48 (Fairview Avenue) from ap roximately <br /> ee nor o ou e ing ree sou er y o reen <br /> ree an �ng ree� �rom approxima e y eet eas an ee west <br /> o a�rview venue: o i e pavemen s , resur ace wi <br /> � uminous oncre e Surface Course, Mixture D, Class I, Type 1 , 1 1/2"; <br /> and restore pavement markings with Thermoplastic Pavement Markings; <br /> and by performing all other work necessary to complete the. improvement in <br /> accordance with approved plans and specifications; and <br /> WHEREAS, the STATE is desirous of said improvement in that same will be <br /> of immediate benefit to the CITY residents and perrnanent in nature; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained <br /> herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: <br /> 1 . The STATE agrees to make the surveys and prepare plans and specifications. <br /> 2. The CITY agrees to receive bids and award the contract, furnish <br /> engineering inspection during construction, and cause the improvement to <br /> be built in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract. <br /> 3. Upon execution of this Agreement and receipt of an invoice, the STATE <br /> agrees to reimburse the CITY by and in the lump sum amount of $130,000, li <br /> which represents the STATE's entire financial obligation incurred under ', <br /> this agreement. <br /> 4. The CITY shall maintain, for a minimum of 5 years after the completion of <br /> the Project, adequate books, records, and supporting documents to verify <br /> the amounts, recipients, and uses of all disbursements of funds passing <br /> in conjunction with this Agreement. All books, records, and supporting <br /> documents related to the Project shall be available for review and audit <br /> by the Auditor General and other State auditors and the CITY agrees to <br /> cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the Auditor General and other <br /> State Auditors and to provide full access to all relevant materials. <br /> Failure to maintain the books, records, and supporting documents required <br /> by this paragraph shall establish a presumption in favor of the State for <br /> the recovery of any funds paid by the State under this Agreement for <br /> which adequate books, records, and supporting documentation are not <br /> available to support their purported disbursement. <br /> 5. The CITY agrees to comply with all applicable Executive Orders and <br /> Federal Highway Acts pursuant to the Equal Employment Opportunity and <br /> non-discrimination regulations required by the Illinois Department of <br /> Transportation. <br /> 93096.2 <br />