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4 � <br /> . �. . <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> AGREEMENT made by and between the City of Decatur, Illinois, <br /> a municipal corporation ("City") and the Macon County <br /> Conservation District, a body corporate and politic ( "District") . <br /> WHEREAS, the City and the District are units of local <br /> government, as defined in the Constitution of the State of <br /> Illinois, at Article VII thereof; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the City and the District are authorized and <br /> empowered to enter into intergovernmental agreements pursuant to <br /> said Constitution, and as provided by the Intergovernmental <br /> Cooperation Act; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the District wishes to construct a hiking-bikeway <br /> trail to be located partly within the City for the use of the <br /> citizens of the City and the District; and, ' <br /> WHEREAS, the City agrees that said project is of benefit to <br /> the citizens of the City; and, I <br /> WHEREAS, the City is willing to assist and participate in <br /> the construction and financing of said trail by loaning funds to <br /> the District for said project upon certain terms and conditions, <br /> which terms and conditions are acceptable to the District. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises set <br /> out herein, the City and the District agree as follows: <br /> 1 . On or before December 31 , 1992, the City shall loan to <br /> the District the sum of One Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand Dollars <br /> ($164, 000 . 00) , to be paid in one (1) installment. <br /> 2 . On or before December 31 , 1997 , the District shall pay <br /> to the City the sum of One Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand Dollars <br />