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ITEM 1 - PROJECT SCOPE � <br /> Grantee agrees to provide the public transportation services <br /> described in its final approved application and program of <br /> proposed expenditures approved by the Department, and in <br /> accordance with the Act, the Rules, the Standard Forms, and all <br /> other applicable laws and regulations. Grantee shall not reduce, <br /> terminate, or substantially change such public transportation <br /> services without prior written notification to the Department. <br /> ITEM 2 - PROJECT BUDGET <br /> Under the Act, the Department may enter into a grant agreement to <br /> implement Grantee's approved program of expenditures, within the <br /> following limitations: 1) not to exceed forty-five percent� (45$) <br /> of Grantee's eligible operating expenses incurred by, the Grantee <br /> during fiscal year 1993 in the provision of such public <br /> transportation services as have been approved by the Department; <br /> and 2) in no event shall state funding under this Agreement <br /> together with any operating assi�stance received from any federal, <br /> state or local agency in fiscal year 1993 exceed Grantee's actual <br /> operating deficit for that year. <br /> The Department has approved and agrees to make a grant in the <br /> amount of $985,806, subject to the limitations contained in this <br /> Item, the Act and the Rules. The Approved Pro,ject Budget is <br /> shown in Exhibit A, attached to and incorporated into this <br /> Agreement. <br /> In the event that combined state and federal operating <br /> assistance grants for fiscal year 1993 exceed Grantee's actual <br /> operating deficit, Grantee agrees to promptly request a decrease <br /> in its grant, and shall remit to the State any excess funds <br /> received. For purposes of this Agreement� the term "operating <br /> deficit" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2-2.03 of <br /> the Act (I11 Rev Stat Ch. 111 2/3, par. 662.03) : "the amount by <br /> which eligible operating expenses exceed revenue from fares, <br /> reduced fare reimbursements, rental of properties, advertising, <br /> and any other amounts collected and received by a provider of <br /> public transportation, which, under standard accounting <br /> practices, are properly classified as operating revenue or <br /> operating income attributable to providing public transportation <br /> and revein�.e froa any federal financial assistance received by the <br /> participant to defray operating expenses or deficits. For <br /> purposes of determining operating deficits, local effort from <br /> local taxes or its equivalent shall not be included as operating <br /> revenue or operating income." <br /> Grantee agrees to commit the necessary local funding to cover <br /> costs incurred in providing public transportation which are not , <br /> reimbursed under this Agreement or by other federal, state or ' <br /> local assistance programs. ' <br /> � 3 <br />