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' , . <br /> ' <br /> ' (Corporation) <br /> CI`l'Y OF DECATUR, ILLINOlS <br /> , CON'1'FZ�1CT BOND <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY 'i'IIESL PRLSEIJ`t'S, That we, Sewer, Inc. , a <br /> , corporation o:rganizea unde.r the laws of tlie State o£ Illinois, <br /> and licensed to do l�usiness in the State of Illinois, as <br /> Principal , and UNITED S`1'ATES FIDELITY AND GUnRAN`i'Y COMPANY ,, � <br /> , corporation organizea �ncl existiny unaer tlie laws oF the State of <br /> �-��3��s Maryland , with authority to cio }�usiness in the State <br />, of Illinois, as Surety, are helcl and £irnily bound unto the City <br /> oL Decatur, Illinois, State of Illinois, in the penal sum of <br />�', ' Nineteen Thousand `1'wo IIundrecl SevenLy and 00/10U llollars <br /> ($19, 270. 00) lawful moiiey in the Uiiited SLates, well ancl truly to <br /> be paid unto said Cit�y of Decatur, Illiiiois, for the paymeiit of <br /> which we bind ourselves, our successors, and assigns, jointly, <br /> ' severally, and firmly by these presents. <br /> , TH� CUNDITION OF `i'I1L F'OR�GOlNG OBLIGI�TION IS SUCH that wliereas <br /> the said Principal ha.s entered into a writLen contract wit�h the <br /> City of Decatur, =L11ii1ois, actiilg tlirouc�li the Council of said ' <br /> ' City for Sewer Systeiu I3ypass Cotlsi�ructioti - Soutli Seigel, <br /> Decatur, Illinois, wliich con�ract is liereby reLerrea to and made <br /> a part hereof, as if wiitten herei.n at lenc�th, and whereby the <br /> said Principal has �tomised ana ayreecl to perforin said work in <br /> ' accordance with the terms of saia coni�ract, and lias promised to <br /> pay all sums of IllOil�Y due for ai7y labor, Illat.Er'1c�1L5� apparatus, <br /> fixtures or machinery furnished to such Priiicipal for tlie purpose <br /> ' of performiilg such wor): aiia lias fur�her ac�reed to pay all clirect <br /> and indirect damages �o any person, lirm, cainpany, or corporation <br /> surfered or sustainea ui� accouiii� of i�lie ��ez-formailce oI sucti work <br /> during the time thereoL ancl uiitil such wor]c is eompleted and <br /> ' accepted; and has Lu�ther agreea i�hat� tliis bona shall inure to <br /> the benefit of any �erson, firm, company or_ corporation, to whom <br /> ariy money may ue clue froin tlie Pri.ilcipal, subcoi�trac�or or <br /> ' otherwise, for any sucli la}�or, iriaterials, a���arai�us, fixtures or <br /> machinery so furnisliecl, atid tliat suit inay be maintained on such <br /> bond by any such person, tirm, company, or corporation for the <br /> ' recovery of such money. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, if tlie said Principal sliall well and truly <br /> perform said work in accordance wiLli the terms of said contract, <br /> ' and shall pay all sums oL inoney due or �:o become due for any <br /> lak�or, materials, ap1�aratus, fixtures oi inacliinery furnisliecl to <br /> him for the purpose ot perforininy sucYi worlc anc.l shall conunence <br /> ' and complete the worl, within t�he time prescribed in said <br /> contract, and sliall pay arid disctiarge all dam�yes, direct and <br /> indirect that may be ��uLfered or sustained oil accouni� of such <br /> ' <br /> , <br />