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. 11.2.2 Where compensation is based on a stipulated sum or percentage of Construction Cost,progress payments for Basic Services <br /> in each phase shall total the following percentages of the totai Basic Compensation payabte: <br /> (Irrsert adclitlona[phases as approprrate.) <br />; Schematic Design Phase: percent( 5%) <br /> j Design Development Phase: percent( 10 y%) <br /> Construction Documents Phase: percent(60%) <br /> Bidding or Negotiadon Phase: percent( 5%) <br />' Construction Phase: percent(20��o� <br /> Total Basic Compensation: one hundred percent(100%) <br /> 11.3 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES ; <br /> 11.3.1 FOR PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC SERVICES,as described in Paragraph 3.2,compensadon shall be com- I! <br /> puted as follows ' <br /> 11.3.2 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT, as described in Articles 3 and 12, other than (1)Additional Project <br /> Representation,as described in Paragraph 3.2,and(2}services included in Anide 12 as part of Additional Services,but excluding ser- <br /> vices of consuitancs, compensadon shall be computed as follows: <br /> (/nsert basis oj compensation, including rates and/or multiples oj Direct Penonnel Ezpense jos Prrncipafs and employees, asrd identejy Principals and c[assijy <br /> employees, ijrequired. ldentijy specijic services to u�brcb particu[ar metbods ojcompe�uation apply,ijrtecessary.) <br /> Technical Payroll Cost times a factor of 2.04 plus direct reimbursable <br /> expenses at cost. <br /> 11.3.3 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANTS, inciuding addidonal structural, mechanical and electrical engineering <br /> services and those provided under Subparagraph 3.4.19 or identified in Articie 12 as part of Additional Services, a multipte of <br /> One ( 1.Q ) cimes che amoun[s billed to the Architect for such services. <br /> (Identijy specijic rypes oj rnsuultanu in Article 12, ij required.) <br /> 11.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES <br /> 11.4.1 FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES,as described in Paragraph 10.2,and any other items included in Article 12 as Reimbursable <br /> Expenses,a muitipte of 011@ ( j,Q )cimes che expenses incurred by the Architecc,the Archicect's <br /> employecs and consultancs in the interest of the Project. <br /> 11.5 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS <br /> 11.5.1 IF THE BASIC SERVICES covered by this Agreemenc have not bcen completed within twel ve <br /> ( 12 )months of the date hereof,through no fault of the Architect,extension of the Architect's services beyond that time shall be <br /> compensated as provided in Subparagraphs 10.3.3 and 11.3.2. <br /> 11.5.2 Payments are due and payable ( ) days from the date of the Architect's invoice. <br /> • Amounts unpaid ( )days aher the invoice date shall bear interest at the race entered below,or <br /> in the absence thereof at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at che principal place of business of the Architect. <br /> (/nsert rate oj interest agreed upon.) <br /> (Usury faws and reyuirenrents under the Federa!Truth fn LendfnR Act,similar state and loca!cwrsumer credit tuws and other�e�ulatiorts at the Oruner's anc!Archr- <br /> tect's princrpu[p(uces oj business, tbe(ocarinn oj the Project and efsewbere muy ujjcKt tbe ralidity oj lhls pmuision.Specijic/ega[rrclvice should be o6taincK!u�itb <br /> resperJ to deletions or mo�lij(cutions, a�rJ ulso reKurdf�rg reyuiremrrrts sucb as u�ritter�discfasures ur u�aiurrs.) <br /> 9 B141-1987 AIA DOCUMENT 8141 • OWNER•ARCHITECT AGREEMENT• EOURTEEN'['H EDI710N•AIA� • �01997 <br /> 'Ct1E AMGRICAN INSTITU'i'E OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHING7'ON,D.C.20006 <br />