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DEMOLITION CFiECKLIST <br /> A�DR£SS �pS! �, C�-�/� Date �a-l�n-�a: � <br /> QW►�1ER No PE n�a P,mR�1 <br /> _� onen windows <br /> __,� Open/unsecured doors, (acc�ssib�e tn �hildr�n, <br /> animals, etc. 1 <br /> � Ercken windows (jacged glass rzmains ) <br /> ✓ Jnsecured openings that ger.nit wat�r to ent�r <br /> interior causin� damage to; ��ilincs , <br /> � �alls ,- fl�ors , ele� , wir�ng, <br /> draiaace iato sanitar_� sewer, othPr <br /> � Strscture open during *aint�r <br /> _� �+later � �lumbir.c svstems includiag trags <br /> arobablv not drained or t�eated w�th anti- <br /> freeze throu�h winter causing da�nage . <br /> rflundat�.on deteriorat�d <br /> Porc!: 3nd perc?: st��s deLeriorated <br /> �/ water servi�e��3 <br /> Dat� s-�o-89 <br /> . ✓� Ex�er�ar der_�riorated � . <br /> Gas meter locke� in "�FF" �os�tion <br /> � Gas met�r remc=�ed <br /> ,/ E����r�� �:eL�r �emo��ed <br /> __,� ^r.� r.:ain �ui�3i^e � <br /> _� ?u=-nace �:estiona�?e <br /> ��a�anc.� da�s 3yCW2 t <br /> _Q Ac�esscr:r sLructsr�/s � inci�at� nu:r,ber) <br /> .';DDiTZO*IAL ��2�MEATTS <br /> Exhibit A • . <br />