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AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEriENT m�de this 2nd day of June , 1992 , by and be- <br /> tween the City of Decatur, Illinois , a municipal corporation, <br /> (herein�fter "City" } , and Olsten Temporary Services , (hereinafter <br /> "olster�" ) . <br /> WHEREAS , the City is desirous cf obtaining the services of <br /> twc individuals to act full-time in two seasonal positians , said <br /> positions being ( 2) Paint Coordinator and ( 1 ) Paint Assistant; <br /> and, <br /> WH�REAS, Olsten is in the business of supplying its <br /> Employees to other businesses or goverr.mer.tal units to serve in <br /> part-ti�re , tem�porary or seasonal pasitions . <br /> NO�;, THEREFORE , for an3 in consi3eration of the mutual <br /> promises an3 obligatio:is made and assumed herein, the City and <br /> Olste:z hereby agree as fcllcw� : <br /> 1 . Olsten shall provide to the City three employees of <br /> C1stE.7 ta serve in the positions noted abave, with 3uties and <br /> reaponsibilities to be assigned by the City. <br /> 2 . Olsten shall provide the abcve-described employees and <br /> maY.e the sa�;,E available to the CitY, for trie mut�aally aqreed upon <br /> tim�e pericd for each position. <br /> Paint Assistant - June 2 , 1992 - O�t . 2 , loo` <br /> L'olunteer Cccrdir.ator - June 2 , 1992 - Sept . 4 , 1992 <br /> 3 . Should one of Olsten' s employees , ussigned by the City <br /> ta oi.e of the above-described pcsitions , leave Olsten' s employ <br /> durinq tr.e time period mentioned in paraqraph 2 hEreof, or for <br />