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, + y. � _ <br /> �. ,.._ <br /> ST�NDARD REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br /> Prepared For Decatur Association of REALTORS <br /> X��t��i�3�'�x���!���8X�'�Y. <br /> THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. UNI.ESS FULLY UNDERSTOOD, CONSULT AN ATTORNEY <br /> BEFORE SIGNING. ' � <br /> Philip Hecht Estate _ (Seller)agrees to sell, and <br /> City of Decatur _ (Buyer)agrees to purchase at the <br /> price of $ 77.500.00 _, the foUowing described real estate(Premises)situated in <br /> County, Illinois, <br /> commonly known as 142 E. Prairie <br /> C��; Decatur , 1L, and presendy zoned . Tax ID# 04-12-15-278-024 <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED: <br /> (1) Buyer has paid $ 1,000.00 , ��check, as eamest money to be deposited in Selling Bruker's non-interest <br /> bearing escrow account no later than the next business date foUowing acceptance of this contract and credited to the Buyer <br /> at Setdement. If Buyer defaults, Seller may accept earnest money as liquidated damages, or may pursue any available legal <br /> rerr�edy. If Seller defaults, eamest money shall be refunded to Buyer,without prejudice to any legal remedy available. <br /> (2) Seller shall promptly fumish Buyer a current(DELETE ONE) abstract of tide showing merchantable tiUe to the <br /> Premises/commitment for an owner's tide insurance policy insuring against defects in merchantability of title <br /> to the value of the purchase price. Tide evidence shall show that there are no financing statements on file affecting any <br /> personal property or fixtures included in the purchase. Title may be subject to coal and mineral rights if now reserved or <br /> conveyed of record and to all easements and building and use restrictions now of record which do not restrict reasonable use. <br /> Buyer shall prompdy advise SeAer of any claimed defects in tide evidence to permit resolution before Setdement. Selter shall <br /> pay the initial tide search charge and the title insurance premium charge. Buyer shall pay the search charge as to Buyer, the <br /> cost of the mortgagee's tide insurance policy, if any, and the cost of all necessary endorsements to the Tide Insurance Policy. <br /> 'n or transfer of tide. <br /> (3) Buyer and Seller shall furnish all information legally required for financi g <br /> (4) Buyer shall pay SeUer the balance of purchase price at the office of lst of Ame��r� �nk --- , <br /> on, or upon mutual agreement before, June 15, 1992 , which event is called Settlement. (Cash <br /> Transaction if Financial Addendum is not attached). <br /> (5) At Settlement, Seller shall deliver to Buyer a Warranty Deed to the Premises, subject only to those matters to which <br /> the tide may be subject as provided in paragraph (2}and conveying the benefits of all easements appurtenant of record prior <br /> to the execution of this contract, if any, in such form and together with such documentation as shall be required for recording <br /> said deed. Seller shall also furnish Buyer, at Setdement, all documentation necessary to protect Buyer from mechanic's liens. <br /> SeUer agrees to pay for transfer tax stamps. <br /> (6) Except as may be provided by Agreement for Deed, at or before Settlement, Seller shall pay for or give Buyer credit <br /> for general real estate taxes for aU prior years and for Seller's pro rata share of such ta�ces for the year of Settlement. Seller <br /> shall further pay or give Quyer credit for aU special assessments now a lien against the Premises, rents (if any), and all water <br /> or sewer bills or water main or sewer connection charges incurred and unpaid as of Settlement. Credit to Buyer for general <br /> real estate taxes not yet payable shaU be computed on the bases of the MOST CURRENT TAX INFORMAT[ON availabie <br /> at the time of Settlement. Subject to I'enants Right <br /> (7) Buyer shall be entitled to possession of Premises b�----------�'E1esl�----�P4,-e�da�e-�Sattla�eA�—Sellerinay� <br /> traw�ver;�v�riinue'arztmancyof-premise�for-c�vt-r�tar��►------------------�5+�-attvxSv,ttlecue►�prn"�Seller <br /> ��Elt'���flR�'1��-------------------�@�BdG�-l�d�-��iti�¢ndS t0.CaCLln�ig nrG��"Lnr�� <br /> (8) At least FIVE (5) but no more than 30 calendar days prior to closing, Buyer may, at Buyer's expense, (on V.A. <br /> agreements, Seller(s) pay), obtain a written professional report that the residential dwelling, attached and/or detached garage <br /> and outbuildings are free of visible evidence of active termites. If active termites are found, the improvements shall be treated <br /> at Seller's expense. If substantial structural damage due to termites is found, repairs shall be made at Seller's expense, or this <br /> contract shall become null and void and earnest money shall be refunded. <br /> (9) It is expressly agreed between Buyer and Seller that there have been no representations, warranties or guarantees <br /> made conceming the condition of plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning, other mechanical systems or any appliances. <br /> No representations, warranties or guarantees have been made concerning the water supply, sewers, sewage disposal system, <br /> roof or structural soundness of the property subject of this agreement. No notice, suits or judgements relating to violations at <br /> the Premises of zoning, fire, air poAution or health laws and regulations have been received by Seller, except: <br /> See attached Addendum <br /> (10) It is agreed between Buyer and Seller: <br /> A. Buyer, at their expense, may have the premises inspected within � business days, excluding Saturdays, <br /> Sundays and Federal Holidays after the date of acceptance of this Contract. <br /> B In the event said inspection(s)reveals a material defect in the structure of the subject property, roof, plumbing, <br /> heating, co�ling, ventilation or electrical systems which are unacceptable to Buyer, Buyer shall give written notice to <br /> Seller within THREE(3)business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Federal Holidays, after the date of such <br /> inspection, stating the nature of such inspection, the defect(s), and estimated cost of repair. <br /> C. Within THREE(3)business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Federal Holidays, from receipt of such <br /> notice, SeUer shall notify Buyer in writing of his election of one or more of the following options: <br /> 1. To correct such defect{s)prior to closing in accordance with Buyer(s)written inspection report and written cost <br /> estimate. <br /> 2. To obtain the Buyer's Agreement to apportion the cost necessary to conect said defects. <br /> 3. To declare this Contract null and void, and retum tt�e earnest money set forth in Paragrapli One(1) to the Buyer. <br />