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. , ,- • - <br /> ' -. � . . <br /> r� ' " . - <br /> D. In absence of written notice by Seller to Buyer within the time specified herein, Buyer may declare this Contract null <br /> and void and eamest money shall be retumed. <br /> E. Failure of the Buyer to notify Seller in writing of any defect(s)within the time specified in Paragraph Ten(B)above, <br /> or as provided in paragraph Ten (D)above, shall be deemed a waiver of any right which Buyer may have under the <br /> terms of this paragraph, this contract shaq be in full force and effect. <br /> (11) At a prearranged reasonable time within SEVEN (7) business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Federal <br /> Holidays, prior to the date of Settlement, Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Premises and other property sold <br /> hereunder to determine that there has been no change in the condition of the property since the execution of this <br /> Agreement. <br /> (12) If before Settlement, the improvements shall be mate�ially damaged by casualty, Buyer may declare this contract Null <br /> and Void and receive a refund of the earnest money, or may complete Settlement, and accept the Premises as damaged <br /> together with the proceeds of any insurance payable as a result of such damage. <br /> (13) Notice given or required in this contract shall be given IN WRCfING either personally, by certified mail with retum <br /> receipt requested, or by express delivery with charges prepaid and addressed to Seller at current address or to Buyer at <br /> current address. All such notices shall be deemed to have been given on the date of personal services or on the date <br /> postmarked. Such notice is sufficient if served upon or addressed to any one Seller or any one Buyer. <br /> Seller's current address is First of America Prust Co. p#424-201 1 . <br /> Buyer's current address is One Civic Center Plaza P# 424-2777 . <br /> (14) Purchase includes all improvements thereon and all attached fixtures and features. Also included are the following <br /> items of personal property: Subject to personal propertv of present tenantG <br /> (15) A defaulting party shall pay all expense, reasonable attomey's fees and court costs incurred in good faith by the other <br /> party in enforcing the terms of this contract. <br /> (16) If checked, this transaction is a Cash Sale (CASH SALE) <br /> (17) If checked, the following addendums are attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement: <br /> Financing Addendum <br /> X Contingency Addendum <br /> (18) Attorney Review: Buyer and Seller have the opportunity to have their respective attomeys revlew this contract. <br /> This conhact shall be binding unless within 3 business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Federal Holidays, of the <br /> date of this contract either party's attomey gives notice to the other party to terminate this contract, in which case this <br /> contract shall be Null and Void, and eamest money shall be refunded. Such termination may be invoked only for ambiguity <br /> or good faith failure of a meeting of the minds of Buyer and Seller. <br /> "BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT THE REALTORS INVOLVED IN THIS CONTRACT ARE <br /> THE AGENTS OF THE SELLER AND AS SUCH SHALL BE COMPENSATED BY THE SELLER UPON <br /> SETTL.EMEIVT" <br /> IF SIGNED ONLY BY BUYER, THIS CONTRACT SHALL ACT AS AN OFFER WHICH MAY BE ACCEPTED BY , <br /> SELLER SIGNING THE CONTRACT BELOW ON OR BEFORE nA7'F• ' �, <br /> A.M. P.M. I <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,we sign this instrument in TRIPLICATE. /� <br /> Fi,PST �!'�iER/(��,CcGrT(�c�,a�v.y.�/y� <br /> ' � �2 �XE�cTa.e oF PN,u� ,6C�.�uT Es�- <br /> BUYER i t o f D e ur SELLER � .'�.s1 E�1�,�a1�— __ DATE S 2/ v <br /> �,j / ; ' SS# <br /> BY: � <br /> Erik C. rechnit , Mayor <br /> , <br /> g�1YFR DATE S � DAT� <br /> � �# �3(� —Z.�—����� <br /> Counteroffer: The offer of the Buyer is rejected. <br /> Seller makes a counteroffer to seU for the sum of$ , and <br /> This counteroffer may be accepted by Buyer signing and retuming a signed copy of the contrac,t to the Seller on or before <br /> at M. This counteroffer shall terminate if acceptance does not occur <br /> prlor to said time. <br /> SEi i.FR DATE B[IY�R DATE <br /> $Ft i FR DATE BU�� DATE <br /> Rev. 7/91 � <br /> Approved by National Association of RFALTORS <br />