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a • , � <br /> .,� WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT <br /> For aud in consideratiun of Lhe undertakings and covenants seC out <br /> herein, iC is agreed by aiid beCweeii ttie Uwuer(s) oF tlie premises described aC <br /> paragrapti 8 tiereoL, acid wtiicfi person vr persons are signatory hereta, <br /> ("Uwner") , aud THE CITY OF vCCATUR, ILLiNOIS, ("City") , as follows: <br /> 1. The provisions of tliis Agreement, and Ckie installation, operarion <br /> and use of ttte water service authorized tiereby, are expressly made subject to <br /> all applicable provisioiis o� codes, ordinances, rules acid regulations of City, <br /> and Owner agrees Co comply therewitfi. <br /> 2_ After comple�iou of rhe construction of a water main by the Cit� in <br /> the street or roadway adjacent to Clie premises described herein, and upon <br /> obtaining a tapping pennit in Che customary manuer fo].lowed by [tie City for <br /> preaises within its corporate limits, Uwner may tap said water main of City <br /> aad cociuecC a water service thereto to furriisti zesidenCial service only to <br /> said premises. <br /> 3. Said t�ap, connection aud service shall be made and installed by a <br /> licensed plumber. <br /> 4. The water furnisl�ed hy C.ity sltall only be used for domestic purposes <br /> and only upon the premises described herein. <br /> S• AC such time as said premises become contiguous to ttie corporate <br /> limits of City, tlie tlien owner of said premises stiall, witliin ninety (90) days <br /> after receiving no�ice from clry thereof, petition to annex the same to the <br /> City. <br /> G. This Agreement siia].1 terminate upon tlie tailure by Owner to comply <br /> " with any provision hereof or witti any applicable provision of Cit� CodP, <br /> ordinances, rules or regulations, or upon the anuexaCion of said premises to <br /> the City, and may be terminated by either party upon six (6) munths notice bv <br />