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, <br /> � �'� - � y <br /> ' Section No.: <br /> if{inois Department State: (139X-2)TS-2 & (50Z-3)TS-3� <br /> of Transportation Local Agency: Citv of Decatur <br /> Local Agency Job No.C- 95-1�7-91 <br /> Joint Agreement cou�ty Ma��n <br /> Agreement No.: J- 592008 <br /> This AGREEMENT entered into by and between the State of Illinois,acting by and through its Department of <br /> Transportation hereinafter called the State, and the City of Decatur <br /> of the State of illinois, hereinafter called the LA. , <br /> WITNESSETH <br /> Whereas,the State, in order to facilitate the free fiow of traffic and insure safety to the motoring public, is desirous <br /> of making the improvements described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and further identified as <br /> follows; and <br /> Route: F A 323 (U S 36) & F A 710 (U � 51) <br /> LA Street Name: <br /> Termini: U S 36 @ Airport Road U S 51 (�arfield Ave. (� Water StreetZ, U.S.51 (Main St. <br /> @ Grand Ave.) � <br /> Whereas, the LA is desirous of said improvements in that same will be of immediate benefit to the LA residents <br /> and permanent in nature; <br /> Now,Therefore,in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein,the parties hereto agree as follows: <br /> Article I <br /> The State Agrees: <br /> 1. To make the surveys, obtain all necessary right-of-way, (if required), prepare plans and specifications, re- <br /> ceive bids and award the contract,furnish engineering inspection during construction and cause the improve- <br />� ment to be built in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract. <br /> 2. To pay all right of way (if applicable), construction and engineering costs, including the cost of any Railroad <br /> adjustments, subject to reimbursement by the LA as hereinafter stipulated. The State will negotiate with the <br /> Railroad(s) for any required adjustments. <br /> 3. Upon final field inspection of the improvement and so long as the route is used as a State Highway,to maintain <br /> or cause to be maintained, the media�, the through traffic lanes, left and right turn lanes and the curb and <br /> gutier or stabilized shoulders and ditches adjacent to those lanes. <br />� Article II <br /> The LA Agrees: <br /> 1. To reimburse the State for its share of construction, engineering and/or right-of-way costs as determined in <br /> Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof and in the manner described in Exhibit C. <br /> 2. To pass a resolution appropriating sufficient funds to pay its share of the cost of this improvement a copy of <br /> which is attached hereto as Exhibit C and made a part hereof and will pass a supplemental resolution if the i <br /> original amount appropriated is insufficient to cover their final costs. <br /> 3. To adopt, prior to the State advertising for bids, or continue to enforce an ordinance requiring parking within �I <br /> the designated parking lanes be parallel to the curbs and prohibited at all other locations within the limits of , <br /> the improvement, a copy of which is attached hereto and will in the future, prohibit parking at such locations ; <br /> on or immediately adjacent to the improvement as may be determined necessary by the State from traffic <br /> capacity studies. <br /> 4. To adopt, prior to the State advertising for bids, or continue to enforce an ordinance relative to the disposition <br /> of encroachments and prohibiting in the future any new encroachments within the limits of the improvement, <br /> a copy of which is attached hereto. The disposition of encroachments will be cooperatively determined with <br /> LA and State representatives. <br /> 5. To provide prior to the State advertising for the work to be performed hereunder approval of the plans and spe- <br /> cifications as prepared, by resolution or letter. <br /> 6. To prohibit driveway entrance openings to be made in the curb, as constructed,without the wri#ten consent of <br /> the State. <br /> 7. To exercise its iranchise right to cause private utilities to be relocated at no expense to the State. <br /> 8. To cause LA owned utilities located on right of way acquired by the State or installed within the limits of a <br /> roadway after the said roadway was taken over for maintenance by the State,to be relocated and/or adjusted <br /> at no expense to the State. <br /> Af1 71 7� <br />