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�— <br /> ,U • • <br /> . , � � <br /> � U <br /> 'V U = <br /> � a U <br /> � Q 'U c3 <br /> U p- � <br /> Q C Q � <br /> Qo � � 9. Upon final tield inspection of �he improvement io maintain or cause to be mainiained those por- <br /> Q Z Q � tions of the improvement which are not mainiained by the Staie including: <br /> ❑ � ❑ ❑ A. Parking lanes and ihe curb and gutier adjacent thereto <br /> ❑ � ❑ ❑ B. Highway lighting system inciuding turnishing the electrical energy therefore. <br /> C. Storm Sewers and Appurten2nces <br /> ❑ � ❑ ❑ (1) Applicable when storm sewer system constructed for Staie highway drainage only: <br /> � to perform those tunctions necessary to keep the sewer in a servicable condition <br /> including cleaning sewer lines, inlets, manholes and catch basins along wiih the <br /> - repair or replacement of inlet, manhole and catch basins' irames, grates or lids pius <br /> struciural iailures io a maximum length of 12 feet between adjacent manholes. The <br /> mainienance, repair and/or reconsiruction of storm sewers constructed as part of <br /> this improvement beyond the aforedescribed responsibilities shall be ihat of ihe <br /> Siaie. . <br /> ❑ � ❑ ❑ (2) Applic�ble when storm sewer system constructed as a joint LA and St2te use facility: <br /> io perform ihose functions necessary to keep the sewer in a servicable condition <br /> including cleaning sewer lines, inleis, manholes and catch basins along with ihe <br /> repair or replacement of inlet, manholes and caich basins' irames, grates or lids plus <br /> siruciurai failures to a maximum length of 12 feet between adjacent manholes. The <br /> LA and State shall share the cost oi maintenance, except as aforedescribed, repair <br /> 2nd/or reconstruction of the joint use sewer(s) to the same proportioning as 1he <br /> sewers initiai construction cosls were proportioned. <br /> 0 0 0 o D. Sidewalks, parkways, guardrails, crosswalk and siopline m�rkings and LA owned utilities <br /> including the 2ppurtenances thereto. <br /> 0 0 0 0 10. To adopt, prior to the State advertising for bids, or continue to eniorce an ordin�nce prohibiting <br /> the discharge of s2nitary sewers 2nd industrial waste into any storm sewer or drain�ge facility <br /> consiructed as a part of this improvement, a copy oi which is aitached hereio. <br /> _ Article III <br /> It is mutally agreed: <br /> 1. Traitic signal maintenance and the electrical energy thereiore shall: <br /> � ❑ ❑ ❑ A. continue to be as outlined in the Master Agreement executed by <br /> the State and LA on �u�Y g � �g 80 <br /> 0 0 0 o B. be proportioned between ihe parties hereio in accordance with Exhibit D attached <br /> herelo and made a part hereoi. <br /> 2. This Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall be nutl and void in 1he event a <br /> coniract covering ihe construction work contemplated herein is not awarded within ihree <br /> years subsequent to execution of the Agreement. <br /> 3. This Agreement shall be binding upon and to the benefit ot the parties herelo their succes- <br /> sors and sssigns. � <br /> A�ticle IV <br /> Atiached hereto 2nd made a part hereof are Attachmenis , <br /> which either amend the aforesaid covenants and/or supplement the terms oi this Agreement. <br /> Executed on behalt ot the LA State ot Illinois, <br /> . 3 Y � Depariment of Transpo�iation�-.. <br /> ihis�a of 9�' Executed on behalf ot the Sizte _ <br /> By � ,/► this�day of ��-19 `� <br /> t <br /> Tit1e M �' �"� <br /> Attest � ��`�,–' �`�-��G� <br /> C i�'y G� IeQIL <br /> An�,�;e <br />