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E�IBIT A <br /> .-" � ' <br /> � � <br /> PIi FaBPi�'*ION AND R..r��'EBR.AL � <br /> I�or...atioa aad refer�al is the d=rec� prov;_.sioa oi �oz�atioa to a c��eat, <br /> fam:�y me�er, or other :avolved part� about the available prvaza, pubLc,. <br /> and voluatary se�ces and c�=*+�ty resaurcas to mee� ��e c�eaz aeeds. <br /> The se�ce also iacludes•refe�al to ageac::es for p:ovsion af serv=ces, <br /> assr:staace ia c�letiag :e?evant aagLcations, aad feL�os,i-u� to dete�iae . <br /> if cther aee�s �emain tc be �et. Iafor.satioa prov-+de3 �ay be by telapaoae, <br /> per;o^..a? coatac_, or tarouga t'�e Direc�o� of Se�-lcas aad Go?dea 3ge Ye•.�s. <br /> Inior...atioa aad refeTMa,I se�ces vi?I be� pranidea by ��e Offica oa 3g=ag at <br /> a raLe of $10 per eL;.ent re:e�e3 bp t�e Meaicare 3�zhe=:er's Disease �e�on <br /> st�at�oa Se�r ces prog:a�. CL'eat is de��ed as t�e ac_sal. cT=eat,. ��?y <br /> me�ers, or atse= Par=-y� �vol.ved 3 the�- care. <br /> OU�3��� , <br /> Ouc�eac� is t'�e a�ect grov�_siea of i�or.aat=oa aac� re=e�al serr_ces ta a <br /> �T;ea_, fami?y mer:�er, or other �:volved par�y aL a s�te other ta� ��e Of��ce <br /> oa lg�. ':'he se�ce aould t�icaT?p be prov-+c�ed � t�s some, or ot�e: coa- <br /> ve�;e�t locat:oa Lor t�e pa:r.�es �val.�re.�.. Out.eaca *:'" �rov_ce '�:or_.a.t_oa <br /> abeL�..t:e ava�?ab�s pr'�ater pu'o7_c, aad •ro?::nta� sa^r'ces aad c�:��� rasourcas <br />' to me�� ��e c��e�t ae�ds. The sa��ce a?so inc?udes reie�a.I, to agenc_es �or <br />� the �rov:si�a o e � <br /> . f services, ass:s�aac_ � com�lez�g re?ev�t a�p��catioas and <br /> �oL'ov-up t� de:a:-..,:�ae � oz�e_ aeads r�a--� �a be �et. ��To�ar oa �rav=ded <br /> ey out:eac� may �c_ude tae Di==:�o� o� Se�ices aad G�_den Zge �iews. <br /> Out_eac� se�r:cas w�_LT be p:oc�3ed by t�e 0�_ice oa �g=.:.g aL tze rate o= S-0 <br /> -v - <br /> pe: ou�__ac;z �ri�i� <br /> CD�T�YI^_' ��C�,TION/'I'33L•�Ir1G <br /> The Of�ica oa 3g�ag ca'� ?rov�de i��oa by public speakiag, con�erencs or <br /> sp^����r preseatatiaas, group ac�ivi:ies, etc. about the iieaica.e Alzhe�errs <br /> Disease De�ons�=at_oa Se�cas, aad other c�t���� resources. <br /> Ce�s:�t� Educst=ca act_4it:es ��?� be re�urse3 at a rate te be�aegot��te3 <br /> per activ?�. <br />