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C�:.�PTER III - DE��INITIONS OF COVERED SERVICES <br /> _ Section Page Number <br /> A. Day Care Se:vices III-1 <br /> B. In-Home C�re Services �-� <br /> 1. S�iled Nursins III-� <br /> 2. Reaabilitation Nurs:ng Services III-4 <br /> 3. T'ne:apy Services III-4 <br /> 4. Home Health Aide Services III-4 <br /> 5. Hememaker/Personal Care Services III-b <br /> 6. �-�ousekeeping Services III-7 <br /> 7. C'acre Services - General III-8 <br /> , 8. C'.�ore Services - Repairs and Maintenance III-9 <br /> 9. Com�anion Services III-9 <br /> 10. Companion for Educarion and Training III-10 <br /> C. Other Cove:ed Se:vices III-10 <br /> I. Home Delivered Meals III-10 <br /> 2. Transportation - Parricipant III-11 <br /> 3. Adaptive and Assistive Equipment - Items III-11 <br /> Relating to a Physical Disability � <br /> 4. Adaptive and Assis�ve Equipment - Items III-12 <br /> Re:ating to a Cognitive Disab�ity <br /> 5. Medical Supplies � III-12 <br /> 6. Durable Medical Equipment III-12 <br /> 7. Consumable Care Goods III-12 <br /> 8. Meatal Health Services III-13 <br /> 9. Care�iver Education and Training III-14 <br /> 10. Family Counseling III-14 . <br /> 11. Transportation - Caregiver III-14 <br /> 12. Case Management III-14 <br /> 13. Medical Assessment III-15 <br /> 14. Aizheimer's Administrative III-15 <br /> 15. Demonstration Management III-16 <br /> 16. Intake Worker III 16 <br /> � • � <br />