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13.3 This Agreement may be terminated by a Party "for cause" by giving thirty <br /> (30) days notice to the other Party in writing of such intention to terminate this Agreement. <br /> For purposes of this Paragraph, "termination for cause" is defined as termination for an , <br /> intentional or willful violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement by a Party or for I'� <br /> failure to abide by all applicable state and federal laws and regulations that pertain to them. I <br /> The Party seeking to terminate this Agreement "for cause" must specify in writing to the other I <br /> Party the nature of the "cause" resulting in the termination. � <br /> 13.4 This Agreement may be terminated "without cause" by any Party giving <br /> the other Party at least ninety (90) days notice in writing of the intended termination date. ' <br /> SECTION XIV - AMENDMENTS OR ASSIGNMENTS <br /> 14.1 Amendments: This Agreement shall not be amended, altered, changed or <br /> assigned at any time without the express written consent of each of the Parties hereto and <br /> any such amendments of this Agreement shall be by written amendment signed by each of <br /> the Parties and made a part of this Agreement. <br /> 14.2 Assianments: The specific duties and obligations of the Parties as set <br /> forth in this Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred to other persons or entities <br /> without the express written consent of each of the Parties hereto, which written cc�sent shall <br /> not be unreasonably withheld. <br /> SECTION XV - NON-DISCRIMINATION <br /> 15.1 Eaual Emplovment Ooportunitv: In carrying out this contract,the Provider <br /> shall comply in all respects with the provisions set out in Section 202 of Executive Order <br /> No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended. <br /> 15.2 Nondiscrimination: The Provider agrees to comply with Title VI of the <br /> Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and pertinent regulations at 45 CFR Part 80), Section 504 of the <br /> Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (and pertinent regulations at 45 CFR Part 84) and the Age <br /> Discrimination Act of 1975 (and pertinent regulations at 45 CFR Part 91). <br /> 15.3 Pavor Source: Provider shall not discriminate in the provision of <br /> Demonstration Services under this Agreement between Patients and Provider's fee-for-service <br /> patients. <br /> 7 <br />