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OFFER TO PURCHASE <br /> TO: Metropolitan life Insurance�ompany <br /> 8�17 Wes� 1101h Siree.—Su�te 700 <br /> Overland P2rk,Kanses 662t0�2�Ot <br /> Atiention: Vice Presioen,. <br /> Ag riC u I t u r a I I n ve s t ment 5 <br /> The unde�sioned("Purchaser")offers ano ac�ees te purchase liom tJetropolaan Lde Insurance Company("Seller").in accord- <br /> ance wdh Iha prov�sions ol th�s Ot1er to Purchese(1he Ofter"�.all tha�ce^e�n lanc�+�Cn tne imp�ovemen!s thNreon(the"Premises"), <br /> commonly kno��n as }–�+1 Jan–Glenn and situaied.tying and De�no�n ihe Countp ol Mac on ,State <br /> o� 111 i nni c and more pan�cuta�iy descnbetl in Schedule'A' attacned hereto The Prem�ses shal;rT-+�ncluoe Seiler s <br /> minera�nghts,d any <br /> TOGETHER witr all appurtenances. persona;p�operty antl water nohts located on the Prem�ses as are hsteo on Schecule"B' <br /> a!tached hereto but spenf�c2iiy exclutl�nq arn ta;ures or pe�sonal propeny ownec oy tenants or o;hers ane Selle�agrees to execute <br /> and delrver to Pu�chaser on Clesmg all prop2r insiruments tor the conveyance o1 such idle <br /> t. The purchase p��ce(ihe`Purchase Price l is �e hundred thirt�� thou_�nd fi��e hundred Dulizrs <br /> �S t q���l ),payable as loliov:s °��nP Doi�ars <br /> (S – – – 1 on Purch25er 5 Sioninq this Ofler by check sub�ed lo coliea�on and ihe Dalance ol <br /> Crie hundred thirt�' thcr�sand five hundred Do!�ars(S ����,���-�0 )in bank,c25hi2r s or 000d cer�i�ed <br /> check on dehvery ot the Deeo iwh�ch tlehvery�s ine"Closing") <br /> 2. Finanang terms.d any.are hsted on Ritler �on (II none,enter NONE) – -- attached here�o. <br /> 3. The lollowing expenses relai�ng to Ciosmg (a)state and 1oc21 transfer taxes and fees,(b)any escrow or clos�ne ch2roes. <br /> (c)recording fees.(d)revenue stamps that may be necessary,(e)stafe or mun�c�pal documernary stamps to be ah�ned to the Deed <br /> and(f)Brokers tees,i1 any,are to be pa�d as tollows <br /> Seller shali pay(H none.enter N�NE) d and <br /> Purchaser snall pay QI none,enter NONE) h R c <br /> 4. Ewdence of title shall be ��A and shall be p�ov�ded by – – – at the expense <br /> p� – – – wlthin – – – (—)days afler ihe execution o!this Ofle�by both Purchaser and Selier. <br /> 5. The Premises are sold znd are to be corn�eyed sub�ect to the follow�ng matters v:hich shau not constrtute ob�ections to mle and <br /> will be permrtted exceptions to the title conveyed Irom Selier to Purch2ser. <br /> a. All zoning and building laws.ordinances.maps.resoiut�ons ano reoulzuons of all governmenial authoriues hawng�urisdicuon <br /> wh�ch allect ihe Prem�ces and the use and improvernent thereot. <br /> b. Ali ngh,s.tovenants.condiUons.aareem?nts and restnctions containec or reterred to in any instrumeMs o1 record. <br /> c. Riohts o`wa�.easemen!s and cor.sen:s ot record. <br /> d. Any state ot facts or condit�ons an accurate survey or personai�nspeci�on.made of the Premises at the time of Closing would <br /> disclose. <br /> e. Any watec mmeral or other rights already gr2nted to o•reserved by othe�paroes,including(wdhout IimrtatiDn)any lezses <br /> listed or.Schedule"C"attached hereto. <br /> i. Such other title excepuons 25 may be apCroved by Purchaser <br /> 6. In the event that Selie�is un2bie to convey titie in accordance wdh the terms of this Otfer,the sole iiability o`Selier witl be fo <br /> refund to Purchase�any amount pa�d on account ol the Purchzse Price.and upor such re!und be�nq made,th�s Offer shall be con- <br /> sidered cancelled except tha;Purchaser nouce to Seiler beio�e 1ne Cbs�ng.elect to take title to ttr`Prem�ses sub�ect to any <br /> tlefects o1 trtie wdhout abaternent oi the Purchzse Price.Purch2ser aarees+ha!Seller shall be under no oohoa;�on whatsoever to <br /> commence any proceedinos.swts or act�ons to clear tdle or elim�nate any tletects ot tdle.or expend any tunds in connection <br /> therewith. <br /> for the 199G tax ��ea*. na�•ab�e �}� 1991. <br /> 7. Selle�shall pay all propeny taxes and assessments on the Prem�ses due • ..—. sa� axes <br /> are not yet assessed.the property taxes and zssessmenis U��clud�ng water nght appl�cable)shalt be paid by Seller <br /> on ih?basis oi ihe las!ava�lable tax rate and vsluation.Purchaser shall be responsible tor/all subsequenl property taxes and <br /> assessments. 1991 and <br /> 8. Risk ot bss by tire or of�r casualty snall be on Setler untii,and on Purchaser lrom and afler.the earher ot the dale(2)title passes <br /> and(b)Purchaser takes pcssession of al!or a ooh�on of the Premises.Seller the event ot damaoe to the Premises in excess <br /> ot Three Thousand ano Nc 100 DoUars(53.000 00).due to fire or other casualty,terminate this Ofter. ret ined <br /> 9. Except as herem oiherv+�se expressly prov�ded.all�ncome and or expense�tems with respect to the Premises sha�l b r.. '�r <br /> . , _ _, , ,_,,,,,_ „ , _ ,_„ �„ ,.y. by Seller for 1991 crop ��ear. <br /> 10. The amount o`any unpa�tl taxes assessmenis.water and sewe�charaes wh�ch Seller is obhqated to pay and discharoe,wrth <br /> the interest and pen2iLe;thereon to z date no:later than iwo(2)busmess days atter ihe date oi the Clos�ng,may a7 the option of <br /> Selier be ahowed to Purchaser out o'the ba;ance ot the Purchase Pnce.provioed ofiiaal bills theretore wr,h imeres:and penalt�es <br /> thereon hgured Io said date are fumisheC by Seller at the Closmg H at the d2te of the Closma there may be any other hens or <br /> encumbrances which Seller is obhaated to p2� and d�scharge,Selier may use any pon�on of the Daiance oi ihe Purchase Pnce to <br /> satisly same.provided Selle�shall have del�vered to Purchaser at the Cbs�ng inst uments in recordable form and sutf�c�ent to sal�sty <br /> such hens and encumbrances of recad.tooe!her wdh the cost of recordmg or f�hne sa�d instruments.Purchzser,d request is made <br /> within a reasonable ume pno�to the date ol Clos�ng.agrees to prowde at the Clos�ng separate cer,d�ed checks as re�uesied,aagre- <br /> oating ihe amount ot the balance ot the Purchase Pr�ce to faalrtate the satisfaction ot any such liens or encumbrances.The ezistence <br /> of any such taxes or other I�ens and encumbrances shali no;be deemed objed�ons to tdle ii Sel�er shail comply wrh the foregoing <br /> requnements. <br /> 11 All noLces and other commurncations reowred or permftted to be oiven by this Otter shal!be�n wntino and 5!k"be seM by cer- <br /> td�ed or reg�stered mail,relum receipt reouesteC.postaoe prepaid.d io Selle�at ihe add�esses shown above and ii to Purchaser at <br /> the adoress shown below or to such other adoress or to the anent�on o1 such othe�person as Sei�er or Purchaser rruy designate by <br /> notice to the other pursuan:hereto.Each nou�e o�commun�cat�on shalt be deemed to have been grven on the da�e ttw rewm rece�pt <br /> is signed or delivery is re�ected <br /> 180DD066727(0588) <br /> FM�855-A0510588;Pnntec�n U S A <br />