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ti-.�.�.._,� <br /> OFFER TO PURCHASE -2- 1254g-F 9 2�07 <br /> 12 ..,. �_. . _ .._ .. � _ ._. ... . .. _ . _ _,_ . . . ,_ ,_ . _ <br /> _ Purchase�shah execute the same <br /> py lulj 10 , t9 9�o1heM��se,this Oner wdi exp�re anC�ecome null and vo�d w;th no tunher obhgat�ons on�eh2H o1 <br /> either Purchaser or Seilec Funhermore.s�nce ume�s of the essence.Purchaser also requ�res fnat the Clos�ng of th�s iransacl�on be <br /> helC no later than�SL1(10.?1_ _,_..... .., �-,._ ,_ _ ...._..�, �"��.. ...�� _ <br /> 13. h copy o11he proposed Deed which snali be a Special Warranty Deed with covenan:s agains!orantor's acts only(herein called <br /> ihe"Deed")along with a copy of the Bd�o!Sale.d app�icable,shat;be tlei�vered to tne otfice o1 Purcnaser's a;tomeq(or to Purchaser, <br /> d Purchaser has no attomey)no later than tive(5)day�s pnor to Clos��g <br /> 14. Purchaser or hi5 attomey shall inlOrm Sell�r o1 any ob�ecuon te the condiUon o1 Ltle 81 ieast iifleen(151 Cays afler receipt o'ldie <br /> ewdence,but in no event later than tive(51 da>'S pnor lo C�oSing.The cono�uons or restricuons o't�tle spec�l�caliy co��ered m this Offer <br /> sha11 be deemed acceptabie to Purchaser. <br /> 15. Purchase�represents ihat it has not dealt with any Broker not hsted belov: Purchase�aar=e<to hold Se��er h2rmless by reason <br /> p}any 2ssened claims by any other broker.The prowsion o'ihis paraoraph shall surwve deliver�-ot the Deetl <br /> 16 By execuUon ot th�s 0fier.Purchaser acknowledges ihal it has made a lull ano complete invest�azLon 2nd mspecuon ot ihe Prem• <br /> thorouohly acqua�nted with its condiLon,and has received trom Seller all intormauor znd data penam�no thereto which Pur- <br /> cFuser desires or ackno��ledqes that nerther Selier nor anyone ac:�ng,a purponing to act.on behaH o1 Seller, <br /> h2s made any representaUon wdh respect to the Prenises,its phys�cal cond�uon,the state o!repa�r or mamtenance of the same, <br /> the income rece�ved by Seller theretrom,or lhe cosls and expenses tor the operat�on or maintenan�e the�eol. <br /> 17. Purchaser turther acknoK�ledges ih2t it is not reiying upon any statement,intormation or rep�esenla:�on�v�th res�ect to any mal- <br /> ters relaung to the ato�esad other than those obtained by Purchaser irom sources othe�ih2n Selle�or am�ene act�ng,or purporting <br /> to act.on behall 01 Sellec Purchaser aorees lo accept the Prem�ses"as is and�n its p�es�n:condiUon and stale of repair.and <br /> acknowledges that Seller is makmg no warrant�es,express or impl�ed.with res?ect to the condit�on o1 tne Premises Purchaser <br /> agrees that.except as herem specd�cally provided.Setler is not liable or bound in zny manner by express warranues pertammg or <br /> reia!ing to the Prem�ses.its state ot t�tle.ihe! expenses.ooerauons.iezses or tenanaes(or the ex�stence or absence <br /> 01 tlelaults thereunder)nor wdh respect�o the phys�cal condition thereo�.Th�s Otfer embod�es�nd consnwtes ihe enure understand- <br /> inc oetween ihe pan�es hereto wrtn respect to ihe transacllon Cornemplated here�n,and all pno-or conter-ipxaneous negot�at�ons. <br /> commun�cat�ons conversations,understanomgs and aoreements haC between the pan�es hereto.oral or n-ntten.are merged in this <br /> G'ier The provis�ons of th�s paragr2ph shz!I survive oel�very ot the Deed. <br /> 18. The delrvery oi the Deed by Seller anC ihe acceptance thereot by Purchaser.shall be deerned the tutl pe�formance and discharoe <br /> ol every obl�gat�on on the part o'Sel�er to be performed he�eunder,except tor any obligat�ons s�ecdically stz:ed te survrve the Closmg <br /> or delrvery ot the Oeed.This Ofler may no?oe chanoeo or terminated orally The stipulauons 2foresa�d are to appiy to and bind the <br /> hecs.executors,atlmm�strators.successors and ass�gns ot the respect�ve part�es hereto. <br /> 19 Purchaser may not assign this Offer. � <br /> 20. In the evern that Purchaser shali detault atier this Ofler has been accepted by Seller.Purchzser agrees;hat Seller shall have the <br /> nqM to retain the down payment paiC to Seller upon the execution hereot,to recompense Se!ier for time spent,laba and sen��ces <br /> pe�formed,and bss of r,s bargain,all d�flicult to me2sure.If Seuer elects to re:��n tne oownpa�ment.then Seller may te�mina;e this <br /> Cti2r and be released trom all obhoauons under the Ofler and m2y retake�mmed�ate possession oi ihe Premises in the event Pur- <br /> chaser has taken possession ot the Prem�ses. <br /> 2�. In any action or proceeding rel2tinc to tnis Otter.the successtu!party shall be enti;led to receive reasonable attorney's fees and <br /> costs as permitted by law. <br /> 22. This Otfer shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Stste wherein the Premises are situated. <br /> �. _ � . �...�',_ ....._- -- �, � _.., . .,...,_ <br /> . .. .. . _. .. .._ _ ,. .. .._._. ... ... .,. , ___--_..,, , <br /> �-�-_�- <br /> 24. See Rider(s)(II none,enter NONE) T anc? TT anached hereto for adddioral provisions. <br /> 0 <br /> Th:s 011er to Purchase has been executed by Purchaser th�s day o1—�;' •19�-L� <br /> AddresS: PURCHASER: <br /> fl Civic Center Plazz Cit�� of Decatur Illinois. a Municipal Corporation <br /> Pr^tnr� TT fi�5�� <br /> By: <br /> ey: <br /> - ke�(s)hsted below state(s)that a certain commission in ihe amount ot Dol,ars(S <br /> will be owec � �dion with this transact�on and is to be diwtled—°o as to the Listinc 6roker and_°• ' ��� elhng <br /> Broker.No commiss�on s� ,. 2rned it the Cbs�ng does not occur io�any re2son whatsce��e� <br /> LISTING BROKER: LING BROKER: <br /> By: <br /> A�CEPTANCE OF OFFER: <br /> The otfer to purchase the Prem�ses described in this 01fer to Purchase on ihe terms and conditions herein set forth is hereby <br /> accepted. <br /> Da?ed th�s day ot •19—� <br /> SELLER: <br /> M�TROPOUTAN LIFE WSURANCt COMPANY <br /> By: <br /> Its: <br />