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- ' -4- ' <br /> ITEM 4 - ILLINOIS GRANT FUND RECOVERY ACT <br /> This grant is subject to the I11 inois Grant Funds Recovery <br /> Act, Public Act No. 83-640. This Grant is valid until January 1 , <br /> 1994, and grant funds are available to grantee and may be e xpended <br /> by grantee until said date unless the Department, at its discretion, <br /> grants an extension of time. Any grant funds which are not e xpended <br /> or legally obligated by the grantee at the end of the grant <br /> agreement or by the expiration of the period of time grant funds are <br /> available for expenditure or obligation, whichever is earlier, shall <br /> be returned to the Department within 45 days. P rojec t closeout <br /> shall be in accordance with Item 110 of this Agreement. <br /> This Item is subject to further revision at the sole <br /> determination and discretion of the Department. <br /> ITEM 5 - ETHICS <br /> The Grantee shall maintain a written code or standard of <br /> conduct which shall govern the performance of its officers, <br /> employees or agents engaged in the award and administration of <br /> contracts supported by federal or State funds. Such code shall <br /> provide that no employee, officer or agent of the Grantee shall <br /> participate in the selection, or in the award or a�ninistration of a <br /> contract supported by federal or State funds if a conflict of <br /> interest, real or apparent would be involved. Such a conflic t would <br /> arise when any of the parties set forth below has a firlancial or <br /> other interest in the firm selected for award: <br />