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. � � , <br /> OPTION <br /> WHEREAS, CITY OF DECATUR, a Municipal Corporation <br /> (hereinafter "City") and WOOD STREET PARTNERSHIP, (hereinafter <br /> "Partnership") desire to enter into an Option Agreement for <br /> premises legally described as follows: <br /> Lot Two (2) , Except the East 74 feet and Except the <br /> South 11 feet of the West 50 feet of the East 124 feet, <br /> all of Lot Three (3) , the North 62. 3 feet of Lot Four <br /> (4) , the North 62 . 3 feet of the West 96 feet of Lot Five <br /> (5) , Except the East 25 feet of the South 50 . 3 feet <br /> thereof in William Martin' s Addition of Outlots, as per <br /> Plat recorded in Book U, Page 748 of the records in the <br /> Recorder' s Office of Macon County, Illinois; consisting <br /> of two acres, more or less; and, <br /> WHEREAS, Partnership desires to purchase said premises and <br /> demolish the building located thereon; and, <br /> WHEREAS, Partnership has disclosed to the City that <br /> Partnership will build a new building on said premises; and, <br /> WHEREAS, Partnership has further disclosed to the City that <br /> the new building shall be leased to the Illinois Department of <br /> Public Aid. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: City <br /> grants to Partnership an Option for fourteen (14) days from the <br /> date hereof to purchase the above-described premises on the <br /> following terms: <br /> 1 . The agreed purchase price is One Hundred Thousand <br /> Dollars ($100 ,000 . 00) . <br /> 2 . Partnership will, upon the execution of this Option, <br /> give to City the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100 . 00) and in the <br /> event the option is exercised, said $100 . 00 shall be applied to <br />