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A 14038 <br /> ! � <br /> � <br /> ` THIS AGREEMEYJT, made and entered into this 26th day of June <br /> 1990 , by and among the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD CUMPANY, hereinafter <br /> ca ed the "Railroad Company" r ereinaFterCcalRed t e Assignor , and <br /> 5ANITARY DISTRICT OF DECATUR <br /> w ose post office ad ress is <br /> ereina ter cal ed t e Assignee , / <br /> W I T N E S S E T H: <br /> �1HEREAS, the Railroad Company and the Assignor entered into a <br /> certaan agreement dated September 26, 1896 (Archive No. IC 1936) covering <br /> licen�e and permission to extend brick arch culvert near the south line <br /> of Section 15, Township 16 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal , <br /> Merid.ian in Decatur, Illinois. ' <br /> WHEREAS, it is the desire of all parties hereto that the Assignee <br /> beco�.►e the Assignor' s successor in interest under that agreement. <br /> NOW, THEREFOREo in consideration of the premises, it is hereby agreed <br /> 1. Th�t the Assignee shall succeed to all of the rights and <br /> obligations of the Assignor under the aqreement and shall be constituted <br /> the full and complete Assignee thereof, subject to all of the terms and <br /> conditions set fortY� in that agreement. <br /> 2. The Assignee hereby expressly assumes and agrees to perform and <br /> abide by all obligations and conditions on the part of the Assignor to be <br /> kept and performed under the agreement, and the Assignor hereby <br /> relinquishes in favor of the Assignee all rights therein. The Railroad <br /> Company expressly consents and agrees to the foregoing assignment <br /> on the conditions above set forth. <br /> 3 . This assignment shall be effective from the day of <br /> , 19 , but its execution s all not affect any <br /> of tYxe rights or obligations existing between the Assignor and the <br /> Railr�oad Company which accrued under the agreement prior to said effective <br /> date. <br /> IN WITNESS P]IiEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreer.�►ent to <br /> be executed the day and year first above written. <br /> ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY <br /> By <br /> Vice President & Chief F:ngineer <br /> CITY R <br /> Z] J <br /> D <br /> ]. • <br /> ANITARY DISTRICT OF DECATUR <br /> BY <br /> Title: <br />