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�' . <br /> � ' � Homesteader Agreement <br /> SECTION A. <br /> The Homestead property, hereinafter described, will be offered <br /> to the qualified Homesteader, pursuant to a land contract executed ' <br /> by the Homesteader and the City of Decatur, providing that the <br /> Homesteader agrees to the following as minimum requirements : <br /> 1. That the Homesteader be at least 18 years of age and the <br /> head of a household. <br /> 2. To bring the hereinafter described property up to substantial <br /> compliance (basic health and safety standards ) with the City <br /> of Decatur Basic Property Maintenance Code with twelve ( 12 ) <br /> months from date hereof. <br /> 3 . To bring the hereinafter described property up to complete <br /> compliance with the City of Decatur Basic Property Maintenance <br /> Code within thirty-six ( 36 ) months after the date of execution <br /> of this agreement. <br /> ? . Homesteader will permit periodic inspections by the City <br /> of Decatur, Department of Community Development inspectors <br /> upon reasonable notice, providing for a mutually convenient <br /> time, and only during the 36 month time period in which the <br /> property is to be brought up to minimum code, for making <br /> a determination by those inspectors of whether reasonable, <br /> satisfactory progress is being made in rehabilitating the <br /> property. <br /> 5 . Homesteader agrees to surrender and quit the property and 'I <br /> thus terminate all homesteader ' s rights in the agreement, <br /> upon thirty ( 30 ) days notice by the City of Decatur, Department I <br /> of Community Development, said notice to state that the <br /> applicant has become unable or unwilling to proceed reasonably, <br /> or satisfactory progress has not been reasonably forthcoming <br /> for any other reason within the control of the Homesteader. <br /> Any Homesteader who received said notice may come before <br /> the DCDF, Inc. board, and is entitled to present any defenses <br /> to termination by reason of this section with the DCDF, Inc. <br /> Board shall at that time render a final decision. <br /> 6 . Homesteader shall move into the homestead within sixty ( 50 ) <br /> days of the date the Homesteader signed the agreement, and <br /> shall live in, occupy, and maintain the homestead according <br /> to the terms of the agreement for a period fo sixty ( 60 ) <br /> months from the date of the execution of the Agreement. <br />