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Fi�ance Schedule Instrudions: <br /> r � <br /> The Real Estate Trensfer Tax Act(Illinois Revised Statutes,Chapter 120, Paragreph 1001-1008)requires TYPE OF FINANCING: Enter cash downpayment on line A. <br /> intormation regarding the financing of the purchase price of this property. Account for financing the remainder of the purchase price on lines C <br /> Lines A and C through I of the Finance Schedule must be filled out by the buyer"or buyer's'represen- through I.(If lines A through I do not add up to full consideration shown <br /> tative to account for financing of the purchase.Columns I through VI must be compieted for each loan on Page 1 oi declaration,explain in Boz J.) <br /> involved. <br /> Iniormation required in each column: A. Enter Cash Downpayment <br /> I Principal of ban; for an assumed mortgage IV Nominal interest rate as stated in loan (include earnest money) -S <br /> show principal being assumed. document. <br /> 11 Length o(time on which rtwnthly payments we2 V Indicate if this loan has a FIXED interest rate B• Enter remainder of Purchase Price on Lines C through I: <br /> calculated. If not applicable mark with an by entering F in the column,adjustable rate by C Purchase Money Mortgage to�eller• <br /> asterisk and explain repayment schedule i�Box entering A,or renegotiable by entering R in the D. New lst Mt .[specify type" J <br /> J on Page 3. For an auumed mortgage show column. <br /> years remaining from time of sale until loan is VI Show the number of points and dollars paid. E. New 2nd Mt . specify type" ] <br /> fully amortized(paid). Enter points paid by the seller'only. F New 3rd Mt . s ecify type"' <br /> III If applicable,length oi time until mortgage loan <br /> must be paid off or renegotiated,or time until Box J may be used to show more iniormation G. Assumption of existin lst Mtg. <br /> balloon payment is due. regarding financing if necessary. H. Assumption of existin 2nd Mt . <br /> I. Other Financin specify type" ] <br /> SPECIAL NOTE:If ynur financing involves other than equal monthly payments ynu must ex- <br /> plain In Box J on Page 3. " Specify type: e.g., B/end, Conventional, Seller• Financed, <br /> �A/FHA insured,etc. <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> Section Township Range <br /> Enter complete legal description in this area: <br /> Beginning at the NE Corner of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 17-16-3 <br /> East of the 3rd P.M. , thence West 60 feet, thence Southeasterly to a <br /> point, said point being 90 feet South of the NE Corner of said NW 1/4 <br /> of the NE 1/4, thence North 90 feet to the Point of Beginning; <br /> AND ALSO, <br /> The North 400 feet of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 <br /> of Section 17-16-3 East of the 3rd P.M. , EXCEPT beginning at the NE <br /> Corner of the above-described tract thence West 30 feet, thence <br /> Southeasterly 42.4 feet +/- to a point, said point being 30 feet <br /> South of the NE Corner of said tract, thence North 30 feet to the <br /> Point of Beginning. i <br /> PARTIAL INTEREST OR BENEFICIAL INTEREST OF TRUST (Comp/ete if applicab/e.) <br /> If less than a full interest is being transferred state the part being transferred: <br /> If this transaction is the transfer of a beneficial interest of a land trust check this box: ❑ <br /> PaBe 2 PTA&203(R-12'85) <br />