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' -2- <br /> 3. Exceptinq as provided under Order No. 87-0320 of the <br /> Illinois Commerce Commission dated September 14, 1988, the Grantee <br /> shall, without charge or assessment therefor against the Grantor <br /> or the Grantor's property, perform all work and furnish all <br /> material necessary for the construction, maintenance or <br /> reconstruction of the Structure, and make or cause to be made any <br /> changes or alterations in the location or construction of the <br /> Grantor's facilities that may be made necessary by this grant or <br /> by the location, construction, or use of the Structure, and shall <br /> also assume and pay all expense incurred by the Grantor incident <br /> to, or as a result of, the exercise of this grant. <br /> 4. Neither the Grantor nor its property shall be subjected <br /> to any charge, assessment, or expense arising from, growing out <br /> of, or in any way attributable to, the construction, maintenance, <br /> use or operation of the Structure, whether within or without the <br /> confines of Grantor's property, nor for any crossing protection <br /> thereat, nor for any highway improvement thereon if this easement <br /> is for roadway purposes, excepting as may be provided for under <br /> Illinois Commerce Commission Order No. 87-0320. If the Grantor or <br /> its property is legally subjected to any such charqe, assessment, <br /> or expense, the Grantee shall pay Grantor, as additional <br /> compensation for the rights granted in this indenture, an amount <br /> of money equal to any such charge, assessment or expense paid by <br /> the Grantor. <br /> 5. The Grantor does not warrant title to the said described <br /> premises in which the foregoing easement is granted and does not <br /> undertake to defend the Grantee in the peaceable enjoyment <br /> thereof, but the grant of easement aforesaid shall be subject to <br /> the continuing lien of all lawful outstandinq existing liens and <br /> superior rights, if any, in and to said premises. <br /> 6. If any work to be performed by or for the Grantee is let <br /> by contract, the Grantee shall require each contractor before <br /> coming upon the Grantor's tracks or waylands, to obtain from the <br /> Grantor's authorized representative permission for occupancy and <br /> use of the premises and to ascertain and comply with the Grantor's <br /> requirements for clearances, operations, and its general safety <br /> regulations. The Grantor may furnish each contractor, at such <br /> contractor's sole cost and expense, protective services and <br /> devices, including, but not limited to, switchtenders, flagmen, or <br /> watchmen as the Grantor may deem desirable for the safe and <br /> continuity of railroad traffic during the work. Each contractor <br /> shall be required by the Grantee to reimburse the Grantor promptly <br /> upon receipt of bill for such protective services and devices <br /> furnished to the contractor. <br /> The Grantee shall withhold final payment to its contractor or <br /> contractors until the Grantor has notified the Grantee that all <br /> such bills have been settled. The Grantee shall reimburse the <br /> Grantor upon receipt of bills for any work performed for the <br /> Grantee by the Grantor. <br /> Cost and expense for work performed by Grantor, as referred <br /> to in this indenture, shall consist of the actual cost of labor <br /> and materials plus Grantor's standard additives in effect at the <br /> time the work is performed. <br /> 7. For any work let by contract, the Grantee shall require <br /> each of its contractors to furnish evidence of Workmen's <br /> Compensation coverage and to maintain at all times during any <br /> work: (A) Contractors' Public Liability and Property Damage <br /> Liability Insurance, including automobile coveraqe, with a <br /> combined single limit of $2,000,000 per occurrence with an <br /> aggregate limit of $6 million for the term of the policy; (B) if <br /> subcontractors are involved, Contractors' Protective Public <br />� Liability and Property Damage Liability Insurance, with the limits <br />� prescribed in (A) above; and (C) Railroad Protective Public <br />