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� 90 - 7� <br /> ,.��,.v .5 __ _ _. . <br /> CENTREX SWITCHING SERViCE <br /> CUSI"t�MER ACCEPTANCE AGREEMEN7 ' <br /> This confirms an agreernent between I{linois Sell Telephone Company (the Campany} and <br /> Ci ty of Decatur, I11 i noi s the oustomer <br /> located at #1 Ci vi c Center P1 aza, Decatur, I11 i noi s <br /> to instali a Centrex Switching Service, pursuant ta Tariff ICC No. 5 on file with the II(inois Commerce �� <br /> Commi�aian. � <br /> It is understoad that the tariff on file with the lilinois Commerce Commission provides that in the <br /> event the custamer cancels this order prior to establishment af service, the Company shall be reim- <br /> � bursed by the customer for costs incurred. <br /> Centrex Switching Service is a tefecommunications system irt wh(ch Lhe equipment Controiling the <br /> switchir�g is located in the Company's central office. Service T�ansport Faciiities connecting customer <br /> premises to the Company's central office are required. The system and alf associated faciEities furnished <br /> by the Company remain the property of the Company. <br /> `i"he eustomer elscts to pay far the Centrex Switching Ser�ice Svstem, subject to the following condl- <br /> tionS: <br /> A. The customer elscts a cantract period of � " years, for capacity category +�it�ai <br /> I I I ", wiLh a minimum line capacity of � ', puring this period � <br /> the monthly rates for Centrex Swit�hing Service Lines are � 1•62 and not subject to <br /> Company initiated changes with the following exception. The End User Common Line Charge <br /> will !�e charged and is not covered by this apreement. !n the event that the End User Common <br /> �ine Charge is changed, the rate shall be adjusted in accordance with ICC No. 5, Part 15, <br /> Section 3. Such an adiustment shall not be cansiderec! a Company initiated change for the <br /> purpose of this agreement. � <br /> B. The customet shall be resaonsible for the monthly rates far the above stateci minimum Ilne i�,t;s, <br /> capacity or fqr the actuai number of lines in use,whichever is greater. The maxlmum tern�tl- �G�,7-1 <br /> � nat�on ch8rge based on capacity category I I I and a � year ��"' j <br /> �.�agreemen#,wnutd txe $ 13,608.00 , 'rn($amaunt decreases by S 1•62 far each <br /> month of service over the life of the contract qeriocl. For coniract termir�ation prlor to the _ <br /> expiration af the contract period an amount equat ta the monthly rate sppropriate to the <br /> capacity category times the minimum line capactty of the capacity category, times the num• . <br /> ber of months remaining in the contract period wilt be immediately due. <br /> C. ,A� Service.Establishment Charge af $ N�A " is appticable to the establishment of �n�cisi <br /> 60 lines. No portion of the Service Establishment Charge wlll be refunded. � <br /> D. It du�ing the six month period immediatety following initial establishment of the system, <br /> sufficient additional lines are added to place total number of lines instalfed in a htgher cate- <br /> gory, an additionai charge wilf be billed that is equal to the dlfference between the then <br /> current Service Establishment Charge (S.E.C.) for the originat number of Ilnes instalted and <br /> the then current S.�.C. for the higher line category. <br /> � <br />