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.w._����_.���ua.s..._.,. . <br /> SERVICE TRANSPORT FACILITIES <br /> CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT <br /> This confirms an agreement between Illinois Bell Telephone Company (the Company) and <br /> Ci ty of Decatur, I11 i noi s the customer <br /> located at #1 Ci vi c Center P1 aza, Decatur, I11 i noi s <br /> for Service Transport Facilities(STF) ,pursuant to Tariff ICC No.5 on file with the Illinois Commerce <br /> Commission. Such Facilities connect customer premises at #1 Civic Center Plaza to the <br /> Company's central Office. <br /> It is understood that the tariff on file with the Illinois Commerce Commission provides that in the <br /> event the customer cancels this order prior to establishment of service, the Company shall be reim- <br /> bursed by the customer for costs incurred. <br /> The customer elects to pay for the Service Transport Facilities, subject to the following conditions: <br /> A. The STF rate structure consists of two elements, a one time non refundable initial nonrecurring <br /> charge (I.N.C.) and a monthly recurring charge. The I.N.C. will be paid once and thereafter Initial <br /> the agreement may be renewed indefinitely at the then prevailing monthly rate. The customer ,�� <br /> elects a contract period of � * years, for a 100 * pair complement. <br /> During this period, the monthly rates are not subject to Company-initiated increases. <br /> B. The Company will notify the customer in writing at least 60 days before the expiration of <br /> the existing contract period. At this time the customer may extend the existing contract for <br /> one additional period not to exceed the original contract period at a rate not to exceed a 15% <br /> increase for a 3 year contract period; 20% increase for a 5 year contract period or 25°/a increase <br /> for a 7 year contract period; enter into a new contract period or automatically revert, upon <br /> expiration of the existing contract period to the then current monthly rate of the 3 year con- <br /> tract period for the complement size. <br /> — If customer chooses not to extend the contract period, thereby reverting to the current <br /> monthly rate of the 3 year contract for the complement size, the monthly rate will be <br /> subject to Company initiated increases approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission. <br /> C. If customer elects to terminate the service prior to the expiration of the contract period,the <br /> customer will be liable for 70% of the monthly rate for the complement size multiplied by the Initial <br /> number of months remaining in the contract period. Further no portion of the �.IV.C. will be � <br /> refunded. The maximum termination charge for the system is (1) $ 12,425.00 equal to the <br /> I.N.C. which will not decrease over the life of the contract period, plus (2) $ 16,993.20 <br /> which decreases by $ 202.30 for each month of service over the life of the contract <br /> period. <br /> � <br />