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. � q D _ �-�- <br /> AGREEt•1ENT FOR PRELIi•IIFJARY AND <br /> C0�lSTRUCTIOP� ENGIP�EERING SERVICES <br /> THIS AGREEtfENT, made and entered in this day of \ <br /> � <br /> 199Q, by ancl bet���een Phillip �!. Cochran, Consul ing Enc�ineer, 2 0 W. Prairie <br /> Suite 4, Decatur, Illinois 62523, hereinafter called the ENGINEER and the CITY <br /> OF DECATUR, State of Illinois, hereinafter called the CITY covering certain <br /> professional engineerin� services in connection with the preparation of plans, <br /> specifications, estimates and construction c�uidance for proposed city street <br /> improvements. The said city street improvements are to be the reconstruction <br /> of curbs and gutters and side►•�alks along various specified city streets and <br /> is desic�nated as "CITY PROJECT P�O. 90U3, Neighborhood Strategy Area Improve- <br /> ments". <br /> l•JITNESSETIi TFIAT, in consideration of these premises and of the mutual <br /> covenants herein set forth, <br /> A. TfIE ENGINEER AGREES, <br /> 1 . To perform the follouinc; professional services for the City, under <br /> the direct supervision of the Director of Public t�Jorks, in connec- <br /> tion �•�ith the proposed iriprovement hereinbefore described: <br /> a. ttake such detailed surveys as are necessary for the preparation <br /> of�detailed plans. <br /> b. t�iake coriplete gener•al and detailed plans, special provisions and <br /> estimates of cost and furnish the City ��ith the tracings of the <br /> plans. <br /> c. Furnish construction c�uidance. Construction guidance siiall in- <br /> clude: <br /> 1 . Consultation on interpretation of plans and specifications <br /> and changes under consideration as construction proceeds. <br /> 2. Periodical job-site inspection by the Enc�ineer, or his <br /> representatives, as construction progresses. <br />' 3. Revie�•�ing and checkinc� all payment estimates, change orders, <br /> records, and reports required by the Public Agency. <br /> 4. Safeguarding the Public Agency against defects and deficien- <br /> cies on the part of the contractor, but the Engineer does not <br /> ouarantee the performance of the contract by the contractor. <br /> 5. Conducting final inspection of construction and preparation <br /> of final papers and reports. , <br /> 6. Insp�ction of contractor's operations to insure compliance <br /> ►•�ith the plans and specifications and the keeping of complete <br /> project records. <br />