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� 2. Ex enses such as tele hone, stakes iron ins monum n I <br /> . p p . p , e ts, flagging, <br /> blue prints, electronit computer, subcontractor work approved by <br /> the City, will be reimbursed at actual cost plus 10� for administra- <br /> tion, office handling and readiness to serve. <br /> 3. That payments will be made monthly for completed work, upon sub- <br /> nission of an invoice by the Engineer. <br /> C. [T IS ��tUTUALLY AGREED, � <br /> 1. That any difference bet►ieen the Engineer and the Public Agency con- <br /> cerning the interpretation of the provisions of this agreement shall � <br /> be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of <br /> one member appointed by the Enqineer, and one member appointed by the <br /> Public Aqency and a third member appointed by the trro other members <br /> for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final . <br /> 2. This agreement may be terminated by the Public Agency upon qiving <br /> � notice in writing to the Enqineer at his last known post office <br /> address. Upon such termination, the Engineer shall cause to be <br /> delivered to the Public A�ency all dra«ings, specifications, par- <br /> tial and completed estir�ates, and data, if any from traffic studies <br /> and soil survey and subsurface investigations with the understanding <br /> that all such material becomes the property of the Public Agency. <br /> The Engineer shall be paid for any services compl�ted and any ser- <br /> vices partially completed in accordance with Section 1 of the PUBLIC <br /> AGEP�CY AGREES. � <br /> 3. That the En�ineer c�arrants that he has not enployed or retained any <br /> conpany or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for '� <br /> the Engineer, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he has not <br /> paid or ac�reed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide I <br /> employee vrorkinq solely for the Engineer, any fee, commission, per- �, <br /> centage, brokerage fee, qifts, or any other consideration, continc�ent <br /> upon �r resulting from the a�iard or making of this contract: For ' <br /> breach or violation of this warranty the Public Agenc,y shall have � <br /> the right to annul this contract uithout 'liability. ' <br /> IN WITNESS WHCREOF, the arties hereto ve aff'xed their hand and seal I! <br /> at Decatur, Illinois, this �day of � , 199q. ', <br /> FOR T NGINEER �I <br /> PHI P W COCHRAN, C S LT G ENGINEER �i <br /> Owner I', <br /> f0 CI II <br /> � , I <br /> ,=' t�layor City Clerk I' <br />