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. - � <br /> Paragraph 1 - (b) - The Engineer shall bear all expenses <br /> occasioned by the preparation of the said detailed contract <br /> plans, specifications and estimates of cost; and shall furnish <br /> all field engineers, office engineers, technicians and draftsmen <br /> in connection with the services contemplated under the provisions <br /> of Paragraph 1 - (a) herein. The Engineer shall furnish said <br /> City with six (6) complete sets of detailed plans for the said <br /> contemplated improvements. Additional sets of plans and speci- <br /> - fications shall be furnished, upon request, at the actual cost <br /> of preparing and delivering the same. <br /> . The Engineer shall observe and direct any necessary prelim- <br /> � inary test borings or sub-surface explorations which may be <br /> necessary for the proper completion of said detailed plans and <br /> specifications but shall not be required to pay the contract cost <br /> of any such contract borings or sub-surface explorations which <br /> � may be authorized by the City. <br /> Professional Paragraph 2 - (a) During construction work, the Engineer <br /> Engineering shall furnish professional engineering periodic general obser- <br /> Observation of vation of construction, provided that Engineer shall not be re- ' <br /> Construction sponsible for the acts or omissions of any contractor(s), any <br /> subcontractor(s) or any of the contractor(s) ' or subcontractor(s)' <br /> agents or employees or any other persons (except his own employees <br /> and agents) at the project site or for the supervision, direction <br /> control and Nork safety of any contractor(s) or for the construction <br /> means methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures or for safety <br /> precautions or programs incident to the work of contractor(s) or <br /> for any contractor(s) ' failure to perform the construction work in <br /> accordance with contract documents. The Engineer shall also furnish <br /> consultation relating to interpretation of drawings, specifications <br /> and work schedules on the construction of the improvements as above <br /> named, submit necessary periodic construction estimates and final <br /> estimates of cost, review shop and working drawings furnished by <br /> contractor and suppliers and otherwise faithfully perform the above <br /> specified professional engineering services and such services as are <br /> usually and customarily furnished in connection with professional <br /> ' engineering services furnished during construction of �said improve- ` <br /> ments. <br /> Paragraph 2 - (b) Professional engineering observation of <br /> construction services, as herein defined, shall include assistance • <br /> to the City in receiving bids for construction, analyzing bids <br /> received and in awarding construction contracts for the Proposed <br /> Improvements. <br /> Paragraph 2 - (c) The Engineer under the provisions of this <br /> Paragraph, shall �ot be required to furnish commercial. Shop, mill <br /> or laboratory inspection which may be authorized by the City but <br /> such authorized comQnercial services (if any) shall be paid for by <br /> the City. , <br /> -2- ' <br />