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� <br /> � • . <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE required by the Illinois Feir Employment Practices <br /> Commission as a material term of all public contracts: <br /> "EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY <br /> In the e�•ent of the contractor's noncompliance �+�ith any provision of this Equa] Employment <br /> Opportunity Clause, the Illinois Fair Emplot•ment Pl•actices Act or the Fair Employment Practices Com- <br /> mission's Rules and P,egulations for Public Contracts, the contractor may be declared nonresponsible <br /> and therefore ineligible for future conti•acts or subcontracts ���ith the State of Illinois or any of its poli- <br /> tical subdi��isions or municipal corporations, and the contract may be cancelled or avoided in who]e or <br /> in part, and such other sanctions or penalties may be imposed or remedies im�oked as pro��ided by <br /> statute or re�ulation. <br /> Durin� the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: <br /> (1) That it tiril] not discriminate against any� employee or applicant for employment because of <br /> � race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancesti•y; and fui•ther that it «•ill eaamine all job classi- <br /> fications to determine if minority persons or women are underutilized and �vill take appropriate affir- <br /> mative action to rectify any such underutilization. i <br /> (2) That, if it hires additional employees in order to perform this conti•act, or any portion hereof, <br /> it will determine the availability (in accordance ��ith the Commission's Rules and P.egulations for Public <br /> Contracts) of minorities and women in the area(s) from �;�hich it may reasonably recruit and it ��ill hire <br /> for each job classification for which emplovees are hired in such a ��ay that minorities and v�-omen are <br /> not underutilized. <br /> (3) That, in all solicitations oi• advertisements foi• employees placed by it or on its behalf, it will <br /> state that all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity ��ithout discrimination because of race, color, <br /> religion, sex, national origin or ancestry. <br /> (4) That it ���ill send to each labor or�anization oi• repi•esentative of ���orkers H�ith ��•hich it has or <br /> is bound by a collective bai•gaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice advising such labor <br /> organization or representative of the contractor's obligations under the Illinois Fair Employment Prac- <br /> tices Act and the Commission's P�ules and Regulations for Public Contracts. If any such labor organi- <br /> zation or representative fails or refuses to cooperate w•ith the contractor in its efforts to comply �1-ith <br /> such Act and Rules and Regulations, the contractor ��•ill promptly so notify the Illinois Fair Employment <br /> Practices Commission and the contracting agency and will recruit employees from other sources «•hei� <br /> necessary to fu]fill its obligations thereunder. <br /> (5) That it �vill suF�mit reports as required by the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Commission's I <br /> Hules and Regulations for Public Contracts, fui•nish al] relevant information as may from time to <br /> time be requested bs� the Comr.::ssion or the coi�tracting agency, and in all respects comply �•ith the <br /> Illinois Fair Employment Practices Act and the Commission's Rules and Regulations for Public CoT�tracts. <br /> (6) That it ���ill permit access to all relevant books, records, accounts and �n•ork sites by personnel <br /> of the contracting agency and the lllinois Fair Employment Practices Commission for purposes�•es- <br /> tigation to ascertain compliance �;'ith the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Act and the Commission's <br /> P.vles and Regulations for Public Contrac�s. <br /> (7) That it ���ill include ��erbatim or by z•eferet�ce the provisions of paragraphs 1 through 7 of this <br /> clause in e��er3� performance suUcontract as defined in Section 2.10(b) of the Commission's Rules and <br /> P�egulations for Public Contracts so that such pi•o�•isio�is ��•ill be binding upon every such subcontractor; <br /> and that it will also so include the pro��isions of paragraphs 1, 5, 6 and 7 in every suppl3• subcontract <br /> as defined in Section 2.10(a) of the Commission's P,ules and Regu]ations for Public Contracts so that <br /> such provisions ��-ill be binding upon e�-er3� such subcontractor. In the same manner as with other pro- <br /> ��isions of this contract, the contractoi• ��-ill be liable for co�npliance �rith applicable pro�•isions of this <br /> clause by all its subcontractors; and further it �rill promptly notify the contracting agency and the <br /> Illinois Fair Employment Practices Commission in the e�ent an3� subcontractor fails or refuses to comply <br /> thereH•ith. ln addition, no conti•actor �•ill utilize any subcontractor declared by the Commission to be <br /> nonresponsible aiid therefore ineligible for contracts or subcoiitracts �vith the State of Illinois or any of <br /> its political subdi�•isions or municipal corporations." <br />