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. w � � <br /> ' Mr. �Charles L. Phillips <br /> Page. Fi ve <br /> After we have interviewed each semi-final candidate, we condense the <br /> candidate list to five to six finalists and conduct thorough references <br /> on their backgrounds, abilities, and management styles. At this time we <br /> also verify academic and professional credentials of the final candi- <br /> dates. <br /> * RECOMMENDATION OF FINALISTS TO CLIENT: At the conclusion of our inter- <br /> views and after conducting sufficient references to confirm our find- <br /> ings , we would meet with the City Manager or other representatives of <br /> the City of Decatur to recommend final candidates. The recommendation <br /> meeting can be conducted in person or by telephone depending on the <br /> wishes of the client. After discussion, if the client agrees with our <br /> recommendations, Jensen-Oldani & Associates will provide detailed <br /> written evaluations of the candidates which address issues identified in <br /> the recruiting specification. In this report, we include confidential <br /> reference summaries which focus on job-related issues. <br /> A sample of a typical candidate evaluation, reference reports and aca- <br /> demic verification have been included as an enclosure to this letter. <br /> * CLIENT INTERVIEWS AND SELECTION PROCESS: Each client has a unique <br /> interview and selection process. These could include individual inter- <br /> views, panel interviews, use of selection committees or assessment <br /> centers, psychological testing or a combination of selection components. <br /> We would work closely with the City of Decatur at the start of the <br /> search to design the process which will be used for final selection <br /> interviews and during this phase of the search will play a major coordi- <br /> nating role. We participate in final interviews as either an observer <br /> or active panel member at the request of the client and are available to <br /> answer questions and assist in final selection and evaluations. <br /> Although negotiations with the selected candidate are the responsibility <br /> of the City of Decatur, we can help to establish the framework of nego- <br /> tiations by clearly identifying issues and requirements of the employ- <br /> ment relationship. If requested, Jensen-Oldani & Associates will become <br /> an active participant in negotiations. <br /> Jensen-Oldani & Associates is also responsible for notification of all <br /> unsuccessful applicants at each stage of the process. <br /> GUARANTEE: <br /> Our record of success in public sector searches is such that we are confi- <br /> dent in assuring our clients that should the selected candidate be termi - <br /> nated for cause or resign within one year, we would conduct a replacement <br /> search at no charge other than di rect, pre-approved expenses provi ded the <br /> City of Decatur requests such a process in writing within 45 days of the <br /> resignation. <br />