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M�,:�n �ounty <br /> IkONrARKERS E That � <br /> part of the CJunt� fa;t .�I d �IJiJJ11d) llne frim a pu�nt un the North cow�ty linr West ol Marua lu the South last curner of the county. <br /> Ine following list i5 considered as thvi.. Jars t�� �hi�h hulida� rates o( wages for work perf�rnied apply: Y . • � <br /> Ne.. rears Oay, Nen�orial/Uecoration Uay I�.uith o� .luly, labor Day, Veterans Oay Thaaks9 iving DaY Christnas Day. • � . b� <br /> :rnrrally any of tAts• holiaays wM ch�tali on a Sund�y It G I�brOt•d on th+ fo�lo�inp Rond�y. Thit th�n npk�f wrk y�rfurm�d on thqt Nupd�y pey�bl• at �i�• <br /> epprop N afe overt�ne r�te for holldaY pay. Conmon prottica �n e qlveo lotal e�y a t�? c�rtato days o� c�l Wretlon such as th� day after Th,atksq7ving tor <br /> ueterans Oay. If in doubt, please check ri�h IDOL. ; <br /> ExPIANAiION OF IIASSES <br /> Ik�X k URIVER BUILDIN6, HEAVY ANU HIGNJAv_CUNS�(�CIIUN MACON CUUN�Y <br /> tiess L Urivers on 2 aale trucks haulin9 less than 9 ton. Atr compressor and r+rldiny nwchines aad broaes, Includlny those pulled by separate units, truck <br /> driver helper5, warehousenen, �echanic hElpers, grtasers iod tirtpen, pickup trucks Y+hen hauling naterials, lools, or npn to e�d fron and on-th¢-fob s�lr, anJ <br /> f,rM lifts up to 6,000 Ib. capacity. <br /> ,la;: 1. Two or three a.le trucks h�ulin� more than 9 ton but hauling less thao Ib tun. A fr,r�e winch trucMs hydrolift trucks, or simildr equip�ent wAen <br /> usta for transportation purposes. FurA lifts over 6,000 IG. capacity, winch trucks, tour a+�le combination uni�s, and ticket writers. <br /> Class 3. Two, three or fo m a.le �ru�ks hauliny lb ton or n�ore. Urivers on water pulls, nechanics and workin9 forPmeo, and dlspatchers. <br /> Five a�le or ■ore conDinat�on unit,. <br /> Llass i. Low Boy and Uil DtslriGutors. <br /> G�EkAIING ENGINEERS BUILDING, MEAVY ANI� Hf(�IIW4Y CONSTRIlCT10N MACON COUNTY <br /> �lass 1. Asphalt Screed Man; Aspco Concrete Spreaders; Asphalt Pavers: Asphdit Vlanl Enytneer; Asphalt Rollers un Bttuminous wncrete; Athey loaders; <br /> Backfillers Crane TYpe; Backhces. Barber Green loaders: Bulldozers: CaGleways: Cherry Picken: Clan Shells; C.M.1, & similar type autograde forn�less paver, <br /> auto9rade pjacer b finisher, Concrete Breakers; Con4 rete Plant Operators; Coocrete Pumps; Cran�s Derricks; Derrick Buats; Draylinas; Earth Auger or Boring <br /> hachin�s; El�v�tin9 Crad�rf: Engin�n on Or�pq�f (�rav�l prpct1s1n� M�chin�t: H�ed Equ pni�nt Gri�N • Htyh L11t{ or fork liftf: Hottt� wlth twp or �or� drum <br /> or t w or sore load lines; locomotives, All; Mechaolcs� Motor �adtPs or Auto Patrols: �pereton or �ewnfien on Or�dget' 0�erators Power Boat; Operotors, Pug <br /> h,ll (Asphalt Plants); Orarge Deels; Overhead Cranes; �avinq M ■ers: Piledrlvers: Plpe Mrappin9 and PainH ng Machfo4s; �ushdozers, or Push Cats; Rak <br /> Crushers; Ross Carriers or Si�ilar Machines• Scoops, Ski�tr, two cu. yd. capacity and under; Sheep-Foot Roller (Self-Propeiled Shovels; Skinqer Scoops: <br /> Test Hole Drilling MacA�nes; Tower Cranes: twar Nac M oef Taver Ni�ers; irack iype End Loaders; Track Type fork l.ifts or Hi� ��fts' Track Jacks and iaapers: <br /> Tracto n. Sideboon; Trenching or Ditching Nachine; Tunneljuggars; IA��1 iype End loaCen; Minch Cat; Scoops, All or TournapuTi; Oewafering Systens and Verneer <br /> 1yPe $dw5. <br /> � Iass Z. Air Con�ressors (s�x to eight Asyhalt Boosters and Neaten• Asphalt Distributors Asph alt Vlant Fireuan, Oiler on Two Paving Mi■ers when used in <br /> TandEn; Boon or Yioch Trucks; Huilding ��evators; Bull Pltlats or F1eKp�anes; ConcretQ Finish�ny Machint• Concrete Saws, Self-Propelled; �oncrete Sprpadin9 <br /> Machines; Gravel or Stone Screader, Power Operat¢d: Noist Autamatit; Noist with One Drun and Onv load line; Nud Jetks; PoSt Hole Diqqer, Mechanical; Road or <br /> Street Sweeper, Self-Propelled; Seasan Tiller; Straw Mach�M; Ytbratory Co�pactor; Mell Drill Machinas; Scisson Hotst. <br /> �.lass J. A�r Conpressors, one tu five : A�r Co�pressors. Track or SeIF-Propell¢�; Bulk Cen�ent Batc�ing Plants: Conveyors; Goncrete Mi,ers (Eacept Plant, <br /> Vaver, or Tower); Firesen; �enerators; �reasers: Helper on Sin91e Vavtng� light Plents; Methanic Helpers; Nechanital Meaten; O�lers' Poaer Forw <br /> Wbdr�S: PJwPt� SuG Gradrrs; Tractors rithout pwer tta�iwents re9ardless of site or type; lruck Crane Oiler and Driver; Vipratory Ha�ner �power s�w rce): <br />, da��r Punps; Melding Mathines (one/300 Anp, or over�; MEldiny Mat6ines, (onQ to five). <br /> Utl�c� �IJSilfl(dllOny of Mork: <br /> II f, Jefinit�UnS ut cless�ficat�ons not otherwise set out lhe DeVdrtn�ent yenerully has on file such 4efinil�uns wliich are available If there Is nu suCh <br /> �r����t�on on Itle, tAe bureau of l�bor St�tistics SIC l�st wlll bf us n1, lf a tesk tu Ge yerfon�ed 1t not tuDJ�ct to one uf the c�essi H catlons o1 pay set <br /> ,�ut, tne Uepartnent w�ll upon pting Cont uted state v�hich neighGuriny county has such a classiH cation and O�d�1dQ such rote, such rate beinq deened to <br /> Lr rrference �n tnis da u�ent. Further, ff no such nei9hDoriny counEy rate �UD��es tu lhe task, the Oepartnent shall undertaAe a sVe�i�l deEen�ination, such <br /> sFrci,I Jetern�nation beinq thm dee�ed lo have e�istQd under fMs dQterminat�on. <br /> �•re�a�lin4 �vtvs ot waq s have be�n det�rnined for th• followinq cluflfl stfvns whlch eay not p� list�d: berb�r, helydr� •�r and co mvtoloqist: bak�r; <br /> Carten0er, cook (fook, �m�a�on); �I�wtor operotor; food s��v1`e wrk�r �Cook, Sanga�on, U of 1-C) furnitur� �nover (Cook�; �anitor �Cook 11�ton) <br /> na�ntenance wrker-pa+er p ant• Ai Ivriyht; sovirg picturt �achine operator; operatinq en�lneer-sta�fonary, sew�ye dfsposa end water planf, Float�ng <br /> ��itfOrA: pa[rpl officer (Cookj� Di�ldrive r, railrwd coMtructiun and n�atntenance worker, security quard: sta N onery (Irenan' sound technicfen; <br /> c-'.ecow�unication service technician' theatrical stage tsploy�e• tuq Ooat optrator; undervatvr diver. If a project requtres �hese, or any classification nol <br /> �.ted, please ca�tact IOOI at 217/7�2/V10 for wage ratos or c�arillcatiuns. <br />