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_. � � . <br /> d. <br /> r' <br /> RESOLUTION N0 . � ��— � � <br /> --------------- <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE <br /> FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT DISCRETIONARY PROGRAM <br /> AND DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO SUBMIT SAME <br /> AND TO OBTAIN PAYMENT OF GRANT <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DECATUR , ILLINOIS : <br /> Sectior� 1 . That the applicatio� to the United States <br /> Department of Housing and Urba� Development for Federal <br /> Assistance under the Secretary ' s Discretionary Fur�d , Commuz�ity <br /> Development Block Grar�t ( CDBG ) Special Projects , prepared by the <br /> Departme�t of Community Development of the City of Decatur , <br /> Illinois , as by said Act , prescribed , desigr�ated herewith be , a2�d <br /> the same is hereby , received , placed on file and approved . <br /> Section 2 . That James C . Bacon , Jr . , City Manager , be , as�d <br /> is hereby , authorized ar�d directed to sign said applicatioc� on <br /> behalf of the City and to submit the same to said Department of <br /> Housi�g ar�d Urban Development , and to furr�ish such other <br /> informatioa� or documentary support , and otherwise to do such as <br /> may be necessary or desirable to support such application and <br /> obtain such assistance . <br /> Sectior� 3 . That the said City Manager be , ae�d he is hereby , <br /> authorized to take such actio� as may be necessary to obtaiz� <br /> payment of the Federal grant authorized to be applied for hereby . <br /> Section 4 . That said City Manager be , and he is hereby , <br /> authorized and directed to endorse his signature thereor� at the <br /> place provided therefore as the specimen signature of the <br /> individual authorized by this resolution to obtaic� paymer�t of <br /> said grar�t . <br /> Section 5 . That thereby , and there is hereby , delegated to <br /> James C . Bacon , Jr . , City Manager ; David A . Clark , Director of <br /> Community Developme�t ; and Ros�ald Lappi , Jr . , Director of Fi�a�ce <br /> and City Treasurer , authority to execute requests for payment to <br /> carry out the purport a�d tenor hereof . <br /> Section 6 . That this resolution be effective upo� , from a�td <br /> after its adoptio� . <br /> � �PRESENTED AND ADOPTED THIS � � __ da of _ __ ____ , 19$ . <br /> — — ------- --------------- <br /> AYOR <br /> ATTEST : <br /> �� � -� --- - -------- , <br /> CITY CL RK <br />