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a permit issued through the District. The permit would require the City to pretreat the storm <br /> water,meter the flow,and pay a fee based on the volume of water discharged. Since this is not <br /> an IEPA directive,the District's position could be legally challenged if desired. <br /> New Route Proposed for Alternate 3 <br /> Following the October 2022 discussion with the City Council,Public Works staff met with <br /> AECOM to review the alternatives and revisit options to reduce costs. The original storm sewer <br /> route for this alternative crossed Fairview Avenue and went behind the Fairview Shopping <br /> Center,between the building and the railroad tracks before crossing Rt. 36 and through Fairview <br /> Park. Using Fairview Avenue was originally determined to be too expensive and opposed by <br /> IDOT. After discussing the alternative in greater detail with IDOT,they were supportive of this <br /> approach and there appeared to be a possible route to the south that would avoid other utilities. <br /> This alternate route reduced the original Alternate 3 estimate by around$500,000 and is the <br /> recommended route given in Table 2 below. <br /> Alternative Cost Comparison <br /> In Table 1,AECOM briefly tabulated the additional costs involved with using the detention pond <br /> option. This includes SDD fees and maintenance: <br /> Table 1:Option Sa Maintenance Cost(over 20 years In 2023 dollars) <br /> Based on SDD Charge of$1.7 per 100 cu ft <br /> $ 1,490,000 Fee to SDD (avg.40.37" precip per year,Avg.C factor of <br /> .545 and 54.89 acres) <br /> $ 269,000 Clearing debris after storms 12 times per year with 2 people for 4 hours <br /> Detention pond site <br /> $ 134,000 maintenance 16 times per year with 1 person for 3 hours <br /> $ 150,000 Clearing sediment from basin Once every 10 years <br /> $ 2,043,000 Total <br /> Table 2 shows the modified project estimates including: inflation,20-year maintenance for <br /> Alternative 5a,and using an alternate route for the complete separation recommended in <br /> Alternative 3. <br /> Table 2:Revised Alternative Comparison <br /> Alternative 3 Estimate(total separation crossing <br /> Rt.36 behind Fairview Shopping Center) $ 17,000,000 <br /> Alternative 5a Estimate(Separation with detention <br /> pond and return to sewer) $ 14,000,000 <br /> Alternative Sa Estimate(with 20 yr O&M&SDD fee <br /> from Table 1 included) $ 16,043,000 <br /> Alternative 3 Estimate Modified(using Fairview <br /> $ 16,500,000 <br /> Avenue) <br /> Page 12 <br />