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f. Reading of Titles <br /> It shall be the policy of the City of Decatur to read the titles only of resolutions and <br /> ordinances with the titles describing the nature of the matter being considered and other <br /> information that will inform the public of the business being conducted. <br /> g. Study Session Items <br /> For Councilmember requested study session items, an initial request shall be made at a <br /> regularly scheduled Council meeting under New Business. No discussion shall be had <br /> at that time. The request shall be renewed at a subsequent Council meeting under New <br /> Business. If four (4) members of Council concur with the request, the item will be <br /> placed on a future agenda as a study session item. <br /> h. Closed Session <br /> Councilmembers shall respect the confidentiality of closed sessions and shall not <br /> disclose matters discussed. All documents distributed during closed sessions of City <br /> Council meetings,including minutes,shall be numbered by the City Clerk and returned <br /> to the City Clerk at the close of the closed session initialized by the Councilmember <br /> returning the document. <br /> 5. Evaluation and Review <br /> a. Strategic Goals and Priorities <br /> Annually or biennially City Council will formulate top priority issues and projects for <br /> focused attention by the City Manager and staff. The City Manager will arrange for <br /> regular update reports, not less frequent than June 1 and December 1 each year, to the <br /> Council and staff on the status and progress of each of those top priorities. <br /> b. City Council Policies <br /> City Council recognizes the need to evaluate the effectiveness of its policies <br /> regularly. Therefore, City Council Policies will be scheduled for review whenever <br /> two or more members of City Council request that a specific item or items be <br /> scheduled for review. <br /> 6. Liquor License Availability <br /> When a license in a limited license classification becomes available for issuance,notice <br /> of such license availability shall be made at the next formal City Council meeting under <br /> "Other Business".The 30-day filing period shall commence following this notification. <br /> It shall be the responsibility of the City Clerk to monitor license availability and cause <br /> such notice to be made in accordance with this policy. <br />