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Illinois Department of 3 All propposals must be 7. Submission of a bid <br /> CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION Transportation accom anied b ,a roposal shall be conclusive assurance <br /> guara t as provided BLRS and warranty the bidder has <br /> Notice to Bidders §pecial Provision for Bidding .' examined the plans and under- <br /> State of Illinois ) Requirements and Conditions stands all reghirements for the <br /> ss- Route MAIN&FRANKLIN for Contract Proposals con- '- performance of work. The <br /> County of Macon ) County MACON tained in the "Supplemental bidder will in responsible for <br /> Local Agency CITY OF Specifications and Recurring all errors in the proposal <br /> DECATUR ectal Provisions"., resulting from failure or <br /> 1,the undersigned,do hereby certify that Section 10-00013-00 FP $P 4. The Awarding neglect to conduct an in depth <br /> am the publisher of DEC ATUR TRIBUNE, Time and Place of O enin of waive'Authority <br /> r echriicalitiesreserves e and to Authority to tiowill, in no case <br /> a public and secular newspaper of general Bids p g refect any or` all proposals as responsible for any costs, <br /> circulation, published weekly in the City of provided in BLRS Special expenses,losses or changes in <br /> Decatur,Macon County,Illinois,and that the Sealed proposals for the Provision for, Bidding anticipated profits resultinorn g <br /> same has been regularly published for at improvement <br /> pr berme received gibed below office for eq Contract andProConditions <br /> con- the bidder. <br /> failure or neglect o <br /> least one year prior to the date of life first of Purchasing, #1 Gary K. tained in the "Supplemental 8- The bidder shall take <br /> publication of the notice hereinafter men- Anderson Plaza, Decatur, IL Specifications and Recurring no advantage of any error or <br /> ornissboned, and is qualified as a newspaper as 6621523 until uS 0:00 o'clockSpec13, 2012. 51 provisions"Bidders need not adverted contrn in theact�posal and <br /> defined in Act -Chapter IW, Sections I and August <br /> will be opened and return the entire contract pro- 9.If a special envelope is <br /> 5, Illinois Revised Statutes. read publicly at 10:80 o'clock posal when bids are submitted sup lied by the Awarding <br /> A.M.,August 13,2012 at 'the Aurliority, each proposal <br /> further certify that a notice. or adver office of The City Engineer, 1 " unless otherwise required. should be submitted in that <br /> Gary K. e City n Plaza, Portions of the proposal that envelope furnished by the <br /> tisement, of which the annexed is a true Decatur,IL 62523. returned include the Awarding Agency and the <br /> printed copy.has been r regularly published in following blank spaces on the envelope <br /> times, once in Description of Work a-BLR 12210 - Contract shall be filled in correctly to <br /> said newspaper,.....--.... Name: MAIN & Cover clearly indicate its contents. <br /> each week tor.... . ....•---••.-••successive FRANKLIN ST RECON- ' b.BLR 12220-Notice to When an envelope other than <br /> weeks,life first publication thereof having STRUCTION&REHAB Bidders., the special one furnished by <br /> been made in the issue of the DE ' I•UIZ Length 6,94985 feet (1.316 c.BLR 12221 - Contract the Awarding Authority is <br /> T RIBUN - on the ...-. .- .- - . . miles Proposal used, it shall be marked to <br /> �'!�-clay of -- •-•-• ) d.BLR 12222-Contract � clearly indicate its contents. <br /> Location:DECATUR,IL Schedule of Prices When sent b mail,the sealed <br /> A.D. 20 .�-;incl the last publication th eof proposed Improvement: <br /> y <br /> having been made in the issue f said news- pARTIAL RECONSTRUC e. BLR 12223 al proposal shall be addressed to <br /> �" da of Signatures the Awarding Authorit at the <br /> er published on the -.-.�•-•.•• Y TION OF MAIN STREET g <br /> p > AND RESURFACING ON f.BLR 12230 - Propos address and m care of the offi- <br /> !"! --A_D- 20�? Fee $li!J.p� MAIN ST FROM CLEVE Bid Bond(if applicable) cial in whose office the bids <br /> o LAND TO WOOD ST AND g• 1312325 - are to be received.All propos- <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have here- RESURFACING ON Apprentice hipp or Training als shall be filed prior to the <br /> Program Certification (do not time and at the place specified <br /> unto set my h�d al Dec tur in said County FRANKLIN FROM CLEVE- Progrause federally funded pro- in the Notice to Bidders. <br /> and State,this .....clay o ••A-1)-2l>/•Y-- LAND TO WOOD STREET. jects) Proposals received after the <br /> UU Bidders Instructions 6.The quantities appear- ' time specified will be returned <br /> I. Plans and proposal ing in the bid schedule are to the bidder unopened. <br /> forms will be available in the approximate and are prepared 10. Permission will be <br /> office of Decatur Blueprint for the comparison of bids. given to a bidder to withdraw <br /> Inc 230 W Wood Decatur,IL Payment to the Contractor will a proposal if the bidder makes <br /> Puhlishcr- 62523 Purchase price is be made only for the actual the request in writing or in � <br /> $50 00/plan set. quantities of work performed person before the time for <br /> 2 If prei alification is and accepted or materials fur- opening proposals. <br /> DECATUR TRIBUNE required, the 2 low bidders nished according to the con- w ?'� <br /> must file within 24 hours after tract.The scheduled quantities Ci Order of <br /> Received Payment the letting an "Affidavit of of work to be done and mate- City Council Q3 <br /> Availability" (Form BC 57), rials to be furnished may be (Awarding Authority) <br /> in triplicate, showing all increased, decreased or omit- C <br /> B uncom ]eted contracts award ted as hereinafter provided. Linda M.Swartz <br /> Y pp Municipal Clerk <br /> ed to them and all low bids <br /> pending award for Federal, Note:All proposal documents, / .1 <br /> State, County; Municipal and including Proposal Guaranty V <br /> private work. One copy shall Checks or Proposal Bid <br /> be filed With the Awarding Bonds, should be stapled <br /> Authority and 2 copies with together to prevent loss when <br /> the IDOT District Office: bias are processed: <br /> (8-8) <br />