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RESOLUTION NO. R2'012-121 <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION AND THE <br /> EXECUTION OF A GRANT WITH THE FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION, <br /> AN OPERATING ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF <br /> TRANSPORTATION, FOR FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE <br /> AUTHORIZED BY 49 U.S.C. CHAPTER 53, TITLE 23,UNITED STATES CODE, OR <br /> OTHER FEDERAL STATUTES ADMINISTERED BY THE FEDERAL TRANSIT <br /> ADMINISTRATION. <br /> WHEREAS, the Federal Transit Administrator has been delegated authority to award Federal <br /> financial assistance for a transportation project; <br /> WHEREAS, the grant or cooperative agreement for Federal financial assistance will impose <br /> certain obligations upon the City of Decatur, and may require the City of Decatur to provide the <br /> local share of the project cost; <br /> WHEREAS,the City of Decatur has provided all of the annual certifications and assurances to the <br /> Federal Transit Administration required for the project; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> DECATUR, ILLINOIS: <br /> 1. That the Mass Transit Administrator is authorized to file and execute an application for <br /> Federal operating assistance in the amount of$217,312 on behalf of the City of Decatur with <br /> the Federal Transit Administration for Federal assistance authorized by 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53, <br /> title 23, United States Code, or other Federal statutes authorizing a project administered by the <br /> Federal Transit Administration. Such application will be made directly to the Federal Transit <br /> Administration under authority granted to the City of Decatur by the State of Illinois, the <br /> Designated Recipient as defined by 49 U.S.C. 5307(a)(2). <br /> 2. That the Mass Transit Administrator is authorized to execute and file with the application <br /> the annual certifications and assurances and other documents the Federal Transportation <br /> Administration requires before awarding a Federal assistance grant or cooperative agreement. <br /> 3. That the Mass Transit Administrator is authorized to execute grant and cooperative <br /> agreements with the Federal Transit Administration on behalf of the City of Decatur. <br /> PRESENTED AND ADOPTED this 21St day of May, 012 <br /> C A cEL OY <br /> MAYOR <br /> A7 <br /> CITY CLERK <br />