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Right of Way Acquisition <br /> Raising the new South Shores Bridge by 3 feet requires extensive reconstruction of the roadway <br /> approaches including raising and relocating a portion of the adjacent Sanitary District interceptor. <br /> The work requires 5 parcels of right of way and 4 temporary construction easements as described <br /> below and provided on the attached drawing: <br /> • Variable width of from five to fifteen feet of additional right of way on the south side of <br /> South Shores Drive, east of the bridge affecting 65 South Shores Drive. <br /> • Fifteen feet of additional right of way on the north side of South Shores Drive, east of the <br /> bridge affecting 54, 56, 60 and 62 South Shores Drive. <br /> • Four temporary construction easements for roadway and sanitary sewer work. One west of <br /> the bridge and four east of the bridge affecting 50, 54, and 60 South Shores Drive; and 1909 <br /> Shore Oak Drive. <br /> The right of way and easement purchase procedures for projects involving Federal funds are defined <br /> by the Illinois Department of Transportation to include appraisal of the affected properties followed <br /> by negotiations. Both appraisal services and negotiating services must utilize IDOT approved <br /> service providers. In early February, the City retained the services of James H. Webster & <br /> Associates, Ltd. to provide appraisal services and John R. Smith and Charles E. McDaniel to <br /> provide negotiation services. <br /> The appraisals recommended a minimum value of$38,200 for the purchase of the 5 right of way <br /> parcels and 5 temporary construction easements. IDOT requires the City to offer the appraised <br /> amount. To date, all of the property owners have been contacted and agreements have been reached <br /> with 5 of the 7 owners. The City's negotiators believe that the remaining property owners will <br /> settle at or near the appraised amount. It is requested that $41,000 be authorized to allow some <br /> flexibility in the price negotiations if necessary needed. <br /> Project Schedule <br /> The Local Agency Agreement for the construction project is planned to be brought to the City <br /> Council for approval on May 7, 2012. This agreement will allocate Federal funds for the project <br /> and authorize the City's matching funds. Currently, the project is scheduled for a bid opening by <br /> IDOT on June 15, 2012. The South Shores Drive bridge replacement project should begin in <br /> August, 2012, with completion in late summer of 2013. One reason for the late start this year is to <br /> assure that the current bridge work being conducted on Baltimore Avenue by the County is <br /> completed and that Baltimore is open to traffic before South Shores Drive is closed. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections to this resolution. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Illinois Department of Transportation, Sanitary District of <br /> Decatur <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Richard Marley, Public Works Director and Matthew Newell, City <br /> Engineer. Richard Marley will be in attendance at the City Council meeting to answer any <br /> questions of the Council on this item. <br /> Page 12 <br />