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F. The City covenants and agrees that it will promptly cause to be made any and <br /> all changes or alterations in and about the demised premises which during the term of this <br /> Lease may be required to be made at any time by reason of the ordinances or the City, the <br /> resolutions of the County, or state or federal laws, and will save the Commission <br /> harmless froin any and all costs, damages, or expense in relation thereto. <br /> G. If changes or alterations required as contemplated in the paragraph <br /> immediately above are so required to be made and are in those portions of the premises <br /> occupied by the County of Macon and the City of Decatur in common, the costs and <br /> expenses thereof shall be borne 50%by the City and the Commission shall Ue saved <br /> harmless fi�om any and all costs, damages, or expenses with respect thereto in the same <br /> proportion as said costs and expenses are to be respectively borne by each. <br /> H. If the City shall fail or cause such required changes or alterations to be made <br /> to the demised premises, the Commission may enter upon the demised premises and <br /> cause the same to be made and the City shall reimburse the Commission for any such <br /> changes or alterations. <br /> SECTION II. Oneration and Maintenance of Public Building <br /> A. The rental to be paid by the City includes amounts to cover maintenance and <br /> operation expenses which shall be deemed to include, but not to the exclusion of other <br /> items not herein specified, elevator service, lights, water, electricity, heat, air <br /> conditioning,janitor, caretaking and custodial service, and repairs to the interior or <br /> exterior, whether structural or non structural. However, any repairs necessitated by the <br /> carelessness, oinission, neglect, or improper conduct of the City, their servants, <br /> employees or agents, shall be made at the expense of the City. <br /> 3 <br />