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B. Except as provided in the paragraph iminediately above, t]Ie City shall be <br /> responsible for the maintenance, operation, uplceep and safekeeping of the leased <br /> premises and shall undertalce the cost of such inaintenance, operation, upkeep and <br /> safekeeping, all at the expense of the City and without right of reimbursement from the <br /> Commission. The City shall not ma1<e any substantial structural improvements to the <br /> leased premises without the prior written consent of the Commission. <br /> C. The City shall each year during the term of this Lease include in its aiuival <br /> budget and thereafter make provision in its annual levies of taxes for all amounts <br /> necessary for the payment of all costs of the maintenance, operation, upkeep and <br /> safelceeping of the leased premises and necessary to preserve, protect and safeguard the <br /> leased premises so that the same will continue to adequately serve the uses for which the <br /> same is intended. All insurance policies shall name the City and the Commission as <br /> insured parties as their respective interests may appear. Notwithstanding the foregoing, <br /> the Commission and the City may institute and maintain actuarially sound and provident <br /> self-insurance prograins with regard to such rislc as shall be consistent with the <br /> recommendations of a qualified and nationally recognized insurance consultant. <br /> SECTION III. No Assi�nment <br /> The leasehold rights, duties and obligations of the City as specified in this Lease <br /> shall not be assigned in whole or in part during the term of this Lease, except that the <br /> City may sublease all or any part of the leased premises as their interest may appear, if <br /> the Commission agrees to such sublease and if such sublease is permitted by law, <br /> provided, however, that any such sublease shall not result in any reduction of the rental <br /> payments required to be made to the Commission by the City pursuant to this Lease. The <br /> Commission further agrees that upon the receipt of a request by the City to sublease all or <br /> 4 <br />