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material mailed in connection with any tax administered by the Department of <br /> Revenue, and documents sent as part of an application or enrollment process or to <br /> establish, amend, or terminate an account, contract, or policy or to confirm the <br /> accuracy of the Social Security number. A Social Security number that is permissibly <br /> mailed will not be printed, in whole or in part, on a postcard or other mailer that does <br /> not require an envelope or be visible on an envelope without the envelope having been <br /> opened. <br /> 3.0 In addition, the City shall not: <br /> 1. Collect, use, or disclose a Social Security number from an individual, unless: <br /> i. required to do so under State or federal law, rules, or regulations, or the collection, <br /> use, or disclosure of the Social Security number is otherwise necessary for the <br /> performance of the City's duties and responsibilities; <br /> ii. the need and purpose for the Social Security number is documented before <br /> collection of the Social Security number; and, <br /> iii. the Social Security number collected is relevant to the documented need and <br /> purpose. <br /> 2. Require an individual to use his or her Social Security number to access an Internet <br /> website. <br /> 3. Use the Social Security number for any purpose other than the purpose for which it <br /> was collected. <br /> 3.1 These prohibitions do not apply to the following circumstances: <br /> 1. The disclosure of Social Security numbers to agents, employees, contractors, or <br /> subcontractors of a governmental entity or disclosure by a governmental entity to <br /> another governmental entity or its agents, employees, contractors or subcontractors <br /> if disclosure is necessary, in order for the entity to perform its duties and <br /> � responsibilities; and, if disclosing to a contractor or subcontractor, prior to such <br /> disclosure, the governmental entity must first receive from the contractor or <br /> subcontractor a copy of the contractor's or subcontractor's policy that sets forth <br /> how the requirements imposed under this Act on a governmental entity to protect <br /> an individual's Social Security number will be achieved. <br /> 2. The disclosure of Social Security numbers pursuant to a court order, warrant or <br /> subpoena. <br /> 3. The collection, use or disclosure of Social Security numbers in order to ensure the <br /> safety of: State and local government employees; persons committed to <br /> correctional facilities, local jails, and other law-enforcement facilities or retention <br /> centers; wards of the State; and all persons working in or visiting a State or local <br /> government agency facility. <br />