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4. EFFECTIVE DATE, SCHEDULE AND TERM OF CONTRACT <br /> The service of the Contractor is to begin on the date the City issues the Notice to Proceed. <br /> Following this date, the wark shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with the <br /> schedule contained in Appendix B, "Schedule of Work", which is attached to and made a part of <br /> this Agreement. This schedule calls for work to be completed in four months. All work must be <br /> completed by June 30, 2007 assuming the Notice to Proceed is issued at least four months prior <br /> to that date. The Contractor shall diligently perform all duties in a timely manner in accordance <br /> with the schedule set forth in Appendix B. <br /> 5. DELIVERABLES <br /> Deliverables to be submitted to the City shall be as described in Appendix A, "Scope of Work", <br /> and all such deliverables shall be submitted as per the schedule specified in Appendix B, <br /> "Schedule of Work". <br /> 6. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT <br /> For satisfacto erforman <br /> ry p ce of the services descnbed m Appendix A, the Crty shall pay to <br /> Contractor a total fee not to ezceed $35,000 in accordance with the budget set forth in Appendix <br /> C. Compensation shall be paid by check within 30 calendar days after the City's receipt and <br /> approval of Contractor's invoices, prepared in such form and supported by such documents as the <br /> City may reasonably require. The Contractor shall submit monthly invoices for wark actually <br /> performed. All Contractor invoices shall be supported by a statement of costs incurred by the <br /> Contractor in accordance with this Agreement, itemized by hours worked by individual, and by <br /> other direct expenses. <br /> The Contractor shall be subject to audit, inspections, approvals, and other determinations of the <br /> City and others respecting direct and indirect costs, and the allowability thereof. At the request <br /> of the City, the Contractor shall make available to the City at all reasonable times the pertinent <br /> records of its office for such purpose. <br /> The Contractor shall be obligated to complete the services described herein, for the total fee <br /> stated herein. The Contractor shall not be required to perform services beyond those described <br /> without an increase in the stated contract cost. In the event of substantial changes in the tasks, <br /> objectives or character of work described herein, the total compensation shall be adjusted only <br /> by mutual agreement of the City and the Contractor. <br /> 7. INSPECTION <br /> All work performed by Contractor shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the City at <br /> all times, but such approval shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for the proper <br /> performance of the work. Contractor shall provide sufficient, safe, and proper facilities at all <br /> times for such inspection of the work, and shall furnish all information concerning the work, and <br /> grant the City's authorized representatives free access at all reasonable times to Contractor <br /> facilities where the work under this Agreement is performed. <br /> 8. AUDIT AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS <br /> At the request of the City, the Contractor shall make available all data and records of the <br /> Contractor and its subcontractors relating to their performance under this Agreement. The <br /> Decatur Public Transit System 2 Trolley Study <br />