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� - <br /> � +i.- t <br /> � <br /> RESOLUTION NO. R2006-190 <br /> RESOLLJTION AUTHORIZING <br /> EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS <br /> - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPENT PROGRAM - <br /> BE I"T RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF. CITY OF DECATUR, <br /> ILLINOIS: <br /> Section 1. That the Geographic Information System Development Prograin, established <br /> b} �he Citv Council for the purpose of developing and implementing mapping and data services <br /> for the operations of the City and to serve residents of the City with timely and accurate geo- <br /> ��.raphic information be, and it is hereby, approved. <br /> S��ticjn ?. "I hat thr. City Manager or his designee be, and he is hereby, authorized and di- <br /> r�•cteci to enter into ngreements and release program f'unds in an amowlt not to e�ceed <br /> $j-+U,00�1.00: and furthermore, that the City Manager or his de.signee and the City� Clerk be, and <br /> tl�e` are Fi:�reby, authorizec� and directed to execute said Agr�.ements on rehalf of the City c�f��c- <br /> catur. <br /> PR��,SE.NTED AND ADOPTED this 4th dav c>f December. 2006. <br /> ' GG=�'���%���Z•�'�-� <br /> — ------ ---------------- ---- <br /> k':�L`L ()SI3l?RNj:. '��1.':YOR <br /> AT?'EST: <br /> � — / <br /> C. -C � �' \ .r_/� ��;� <br /> -�����c . <br /> ----- CITY CLERK- - ------ <br />