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4 � � , <br /> THE AGRICULTURAL <br /> WATERSHED INSTITUTE <br /> 4004 COLLEGE PARK ROAD <br /> DE�ATUR, ILLINOIS 62521 <br /> TE�. Q17) 877-5640 <br /> FAx (217) 877-5641 <br /> April 24, 2006 <br /> Mr. Keith Alexander <br /> Director of Water Management <br /> City of Decatur <br /> One Gary K. Anderson Plaza <br /> Decatur, IL 62523 <br /> Re: Proposed Agreement for Financial Support of Watershed Research and Education <br /> Dear Mr. Alexander: <br /> The Agricultural Watershed Institute (AWI) is pleased to submit this proposed agreement for <br /> consideration by the City of Decatur. AWI was incorporated in 2003 and is a 501(c)(3) <br /> nonprofit organization. AWI conducts research and educational programs related to water <br /> quality and water supply in watersheds with agriculture as a primary land use,with a major focus <br /> on the 925-square mile Lake Decatur watershed. Upon acceptance of this proposed agreement, <br /> the City of Decatur will provide $30,000 during its 2006-07 fiscal year to support AWI's <br /> research and educational activities as described herein. <br /> AWI BACKGROUND AND MISSION <br /> AWI's origins go back more than 20 years to 1984, when former Mayor Gary Anderson <br /> appointed the Lake Decatur Sedimentation Control Committee. The committee recommended a <br /> selective dredging program that led eventually to the dredging plan being carried out today. The <br /> committee also recommended City support for soil conservation in the watershed. To the City's <br /> credit, that recommendation has been followed. Every year since 1985, the City of Decatur has <br /> provided funds to the Macon County Soil and Water Conservation District for personnel and <br /> locally-designed cost-share projects. This urban-rural partnership has received statewide and <br /> national recognition as a model of city-farm cooperation to find and implement win-win <br /> solutions to water resource management challenges. <br /> The idea for AWI itself first appeared in the Decatur Advantage II community strategic plan <br /> adopted in 1988. That plan recommended creating "an interdisciplinary Agricultural Watershed <br /> Institute for research and demonstration projects on erosion reduction, nutrient management, <br /> sediment removal and reuse, and other related subjects." In 2002-03, with guidance from a local <br /> steering committee including city-farm-industry representatives, a White Paper on Creation of <br /> the Agricultural Watershed Institute was prepared to serve as a business plan. The Institute was <br /> incorporated and opened an office located in the Macon County SWCD building. <br /> � <br />