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� � . <br /> (I) Premises is approximately 80% of the area of a parcel identified by the <br /> Macon County Supervisor of Assessments Office as ID #18-08-33-400- <br /> 010. Izaak Walton shall annual pay the City 80% of the real estate tax bill <br /> due for this parcel, withi� 30 days written notice by the City, beginning <br /> with the 2003 tax bill, upon execution of this agreement. <br /> 2. TERM RENEWAL: The term of this agreement shall be for five years from the date <br /> hereof though Izaak Walton may request to extend said five year term for additional five year <br /> periods upon filing a written request for each additional five year extensions with City no later <br /> than 90 days prior to the expiration or each five year period provided Izaak Walton submits to <br /> City with each extension request a list of its current officers anc� their addresses and also <br /> furnishes at such time a report of its financial condition setting forth the sources of all of its <br /> income and expenditures. <br /> Notwithstanding the above, it is agreed that the City may terminate this agreement or any <br /> extension thereof of any time hereafter by service of a 15 day written notice of such intention to <br /> so terminate, such notice to be served by certified mail and addressed to the then secretary of <br /> Izaak Walton at their last current address as listed by Izaak Walton. Service of such notice shall <br /> be presumed to have been inade on the date said certified notice is post marked. <br /> 3. REMOVAL OF IMPROVEMENTS, ETC.: All improvements, alterations or repairs <br /> made by Izaak Walton on or to said premises shall remain on said premises upon the termination <br /> of this agreement as herein set forth unless City elects in writing to have same or part of same <br /> removed there-from in which event Izaak Walton agrees to remove those that are specified by <br /> City in any such election within 15 days following the date of termination of this agreement as <br /> herein above determined. <br /> 4. ASSIGNMENT: Izaak Walton agrees that this agreement may not be assigned or <br /> otherwise transferred by it to any other person or entity. <br /> 5. PRIOR AGREEMENT: This agreement supersedes, takes precedence over and <br /> nullifies all prior agreements between the two parties whether written, oral or implied and <br /> constitutes the full and complete agreements between the parties hereto. <br /> 6. NOTICES: Written correspondence between Izaak Walton and the City regarding this <br /> Agreement shall be mailed to: President, Izaak Walton League, Decatur, IL Chapter, 606 N. <br /> Carolina Ave., Decatur, IL 62522 and Director of Water Management, City of Decatur, #1 Gary <br /> Anderson Plaza, Decatur, IL, 62523. <br />� 3 __ _ <br />