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. � . . <br /> or alterations, and in addition shall provide adequate assurances to City <br /> that all labor and materials utilized in connection with any such <br /> improvement, repair or alteration can and will be promptly paid. Any <br /> alterations or improvements shall be to the maximum extent feasible and <br /> usable by individuals with disabilities. Design, construction, or alterations <br /> shall conform to Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guideline <br /> for buildings and facilities (ADAAG) App. A to 28 CFR part 36. In , <br /> addition, Izaak Walton agrees and understands that any and all <br /> improvements, repairs ar alterations made by it will be subject to the , <br /> provisions of paragraph 3 following. ; <br /> (D) Izaak Walton shall allow no harmful ar illegal drugs to be sold, dispersed I', <br /> ar used on said premises nor shall Izaak Walton permit any gambling 'il <br /> thereon. I <br /> (E) In connection with its activities, Izaak Walton shall at all times keep said I <br /> premises in clean, orderly and sanitary condition. <br /> (F) Izaak Walton shall in no way discriminate against any person because of <br /> such person's race, color, creed, nationality or disability as defined in <br /> Section 3 of Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. <br /> (G) Izaak Walton shall provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance naming <br /> the City of Decatur as an added insured in all instances. Izaak Walton's <br /> insurance shall be primary. The minimum amounts of insurance shall be: <br /> $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit for Bodily <br /> Injury and Property Damage <br /> or <br /> $500,000 Bodily Injury per person <br /> $1,000,000 Bodily Injury per occunence <br /> $500,000 Property Damage Liability per occurrence <br /> In exchange for the use of the Premises, Izaak Walton agrees to indemnify <br /> and save harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees against <br /> any and all loss, damage, or expense of any kind whatsoever that it or they <br /> may sustain as a result of any suits, actions or claims of any character <br /> brought on account of property damage, and/or injury to, or death of any <br /> person or persons, including the officers, employees, agents, and <br /> volunteers of Izaak Walton, which may arise, or alleged to arise, in <br /> connection with the use and/or possession of said property by Izaak <br /> Walton, its representatives, or any other parties whatsoever, from the <br /> underwritten date forward. <br /> (H) Izaak Walton shall notify the City of any conditions on the premises that <br /> are or could be considered a safety hazard. <br /> 2 <br />